Advertise on My Zimbabwe News (Adverts Rate Card)

728x90px – Desktop top right banner: $150 for 30 Days.
– Advert appears on every web page’s top-right slot.

300 x 600px – Desktop Side Bar wide skyscrapper: $130 for 30 Days.
– Advert appears on the upper right section of website.

300 x 250px – Desktop Side Bar top: $100 for 30 Days.
– Advert appears on the upper right section of website.

160 x 600px – Desktop Side Bar skyscrapper: $90 for 30 Days.
– Advert appears on the lower right section of website.

300 x 250px – Desktop Side Bar bottom: $70 for 30 Days.
– Advert appears on the lower right section of website.

336 x 280px / 600 x 200px – Desktop Ad above article: $100 for 30 days.
– Advert appears just above the article or page content.

336 x 280px / 600 x 200px – Desktop Ad in-article: $80 for 30 days.
– Advert appears within every article.

336 x 280px / 600 x 200px – Desktop Ad below article: $60 for 30 days.
– Advert appears at the bottom of every article.

300 x 250px – Mobile Ad before article: $80 for 30 days.
– Advert appears on mobile devices, just before the article.

300 x 250px – Mobile Ad in-article: $60 for 30 days.
– Advert appears on mobile devices, within the article.

300 x 250px – Mobile Ad below article: $50 for 30 days.
– Advert appears on mobile devices, just after the article.

970 x 250px – Desktop Footer banner: $80 for 30 Days.
– By size, this is the website’s biggest ad size. Banner appears at the bottom of every web page, just above the footer text/links.

My Zimbabwe News Adverting Form


  1. All advertising material must be legal, decent, honest and truthful in accordance with Zimbabwe’s laws.
  2. My Zimbabwe News reserves the right to refuse to accept any material for publication or distribution without giving any reason.
  3. We accept ads in .jpg or .jpeg or .gif or .png formats only. Each banner should be less than 150Kb in size.
  4. All advertising slots mentioned above are desktop slots and all mobile phone slots are clearly labelled as such. So, when purchasing a slot, you are either purchasing a desktop slot or a mobile phone slot.
  5. While My Zimbabwe team will make necessary efforts to check if everything is fine, however, it is the customer’s sole responsibility to check for any errors and ensure that the material submitted to My Zimbabwe News for advertising purposes is correct. The material includes visuals (image banners or videos), email(s), phone number(s) as well as URL(s).
  6. The website has more than 10 different advertising slots that show banners of varying sizes. Each slot can have up to 3 different banners that appear on a random basis. What it means is, assuming that each customer places just a single banner on slot X, we can accept up to 3 different customers per any given moment for the slot X before we start considering that particular slot as ‘fully booked’.
  7. All sales are final and there are NO REFUNDS! While we will try our level best to keep our website up and running daily and throughout the month, however, in the event that, for any reason, due to circumstances beyond our control, or otherwise, your advert cannot appear on the website, please be advised that we will not be able to issue a refund. However, in some circumstances, and AT OUR OWN DISCRETION, we will publish your Ad(s) again for days that compensate the period in which your Ad(s) could not run.
  8. The customer will indemnify the website owners and/or staff against any legal action resulting from the publication of an advert placed by the customer.
  9. While we accept nearly all methods of payment, including Ecocash, InnBucks, Paypal, International Money transfers as well as FCA Bank transfer, however, for payments in RTGS / Zipit / kindly contact us first.
  10. An advertiser’s placement of an advertisement order constitutes an agreement to comply with the above conditions, as well as any conditions specified in our website’s Terms and Conditions as well as Privacy Policy statements.

My Zimbabwe News Adverting Form