Harare self-proclaimed prophet, Talent Madungwe, is facing a significant legal setback following a ruling in the Epworth Magistrates’ Court. The court sentenced Madungwe to...
A major police investigation in Harare has unearthed a sprawling network allegedly promoting same-sex relationships, highlighting the ongoing tension between Zimbabwe's laws and the...
A devastating fire ripped through Mbare Musika, Harare's sprawling informal market, on Tuesday night, leaving a trail of destruction and despair in its wake....
Two prominent Zimbabwean businessmen, Mike Chimombe and Moses Mpofu, are alleging a politically motivated prosecution, claiming their trial on tender fraud charges is a...
Harare’s self-styled “Heaven Army Commander,” Prophet Talent Madungwe, has found himself in hot water, not with demonic forces as he previously claimed, but with...
A cleansing ceremony intended to enhance the spiritual powers of traditional healers in Chipazi village, Dotito, tragically ended in death after a well-respected herbalist...
Bulawayo is grappling with the aftermath of a horrific hit-and-run incident that left a young woman critically injured, while in Harare, a commuter omnibus...
Former Deputy Prime Minister and current Member of Parliament for Bulawayo, Dr Thokozani Khupe, has shared a harrowing account of her battle with cancer,...