Man grows women-like breasts, mysterious creature sucks milk from them at night (WATCH VIDEO)


In a bizarre and unsettling tale, a man from Cross Dete in the Hwange District of Matabeleland North province has developed unusually large breasts, which he claims are being milked at night by a giant, snake-like creature. The man, whose identity is being withheld, attributed the growth of his breasts to witchcraft, plunging him into emotional distress and prompting him to seek the assistance of Archbishop Emmanuel Mutumwa, the leader of the Johane Masowe eChishanu Apostolic Church based in Bulawayo.

The man’s plight captured the attention of the community in Cross Dete after he participated in one of Archbishop Mutumwa’s cleansing ceremonies in the area, desperately hoping for a solution to his predicament. With a voice filled with anguish, fear, and uncertainty, he recounted feeling an unusual sensation on his chest, which led to the enlargement of his breasts. The man has resorted to wearing oversized clothing to conceal the bulge.

In a startling revelation, he claimed that the creature, suspected to be a snake, visits him at night and suckles milk from his breasts. Additionally, the man described experiencing a phantom touch and pressure on his skin, seemingly originating from an invisible source, leaving him bewildered and violated.

Archbishop Mutumwa confirmed the man’s distressing account, stating that he had been bewitched. He explained, “It’s true that he came for help and from the way he was narrating how they are being sucked for milk at night by a snake, it was clear that he was bewitched. The fact that he also felt another man sleeping with him from the back makes it clear that someone from his family cast a spell on him,” said Archbishop Mutumwa.

He said the man would be healed and the sagging breasts disappear after he prayed for him adding that he had helped a lot of people who approached his shrine with similar problems.

“I prayed for him and after those series of prayers, the breasts will disappear. I can confirm that he is in the process of healing and the curse will go back to the sender. I also destroyed that mysterious snake that was sucking his breasts. I have so far prayed for two men with similar conditions, the most recent one was in Binga,” he said.

Commenting on the man’s rare condition, a traditionalist who preferred anonymity said the development of breasts in males can be a result of revenge.

“When a man grows breasts, we believe that he has been bewitched by someone after committing something socially unacceptable such as adultery or stealing someone’s property,” he said.

However, according to modern science, men’s breasts occur when the chest is exposed to high oestrogen to testosterone ratio.

Low testosterone levels in men can sometimes lead to a condition called gynaecomastia, or the development of breasts. It is caused by an imbalance of the body’s hormones in men.

As the man from Cross Dete embarks on his journey to recovery through prayer and divine intervention, his story serves as a haunting reminder of the intricate interplay between cultural beliefs, medical explanations, and the depths of the human psyche. The community watches with anticipation, hopeful that the man’s ordeal will come to an end, and that his physical and emotional well-being will be restored.

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