My husband is terrible in bǝd, he is too rough and far too quick. Help!

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Dear Aunty Lisa

I have been with my husband for nearly 20 years. We have 4 children. Lately I cannot stop thinking about what I have missed out on ƨǝxuɑlly.

My hubby is not the best in bǝd. To be honest, he is too rough and far too quick. I have tried telling him what I like but he can’t seem to be bothered.

I keep thinking what it would be like to slǝǝp with a really experienced man who knew what he was doing with the right mixture of consideration and experience.

I am beginning to think that I will never be satisfied by a man. I can have 0rgasms and I often satisfy myself with my hand. This is beginning to really annoy me.

Please help.

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