Her father threatened to disown her after he saw her pic while lying on ‘Nyasarande’ man’s chest


Dear Aunty Lisa

I am 30. I fell in love with a Zezuru girl who equally l0ved me at university. We dɑted for five good years (from 2017) and never chǝatǝd on each other.

Our relati0nship was great and we were the envy of comrades on campus. We had plans of getting mɑrriǝd after graduating, but things changed when she became prǝgnɑnt.

She said that her dad could not entertain that, so she terminated that prǝgnɑncy. She went ahead to terminate two other prǝgnɑncies, something that really disturbed my mind.

Things grew worse during the Covid-19 period when her parents discovered her picture on Facebook while lying on my chest. Her father was angry to learn that she was dat!ng a ‘Nyasarande’ man (I am a Zimbabwean citizen of Malawi origin), so he demanded that she ends the relati0nship or he’d disown her. After keeping it a secret even after we resumed school, she later gained the courage to tell me.

The reality hurt both of us but we parted ways in February 2022. But three months ago, I received a call from her asking whether we could make up. What should I do? Even if her parents have changed their minds, I no longer have feel!ngs for the girl. I’ve already moved on.

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