‘I worked 2 jobs to pay for her university, but all she brought me was heartbreak’


Dear Aunt Lisa,

My heart is heavy with sadness and I seek your wise advice. Four years ago I fell deeply in l0ve with a beautiful young woman named Tariro. Though I come from a humble background while her family is well-off, she saw beyond such things and chose me. I vowed to support her dreams.

Tariro had always wanted to attend university so when she was accepted, I encouraged her to go. Money was tight but I worked two jobs to pay her school fees and send her allowances. Each weekend I made the 6-hour journey to see her, and each time she promised that nothing would change between us once she graduated.

But shortly after Tariro received her degree, she came home with the news that she had met someone new at university. A man from a wealthy family with good job prospects. I was heartbroken, yet somehow I couldn’t find it in myself to be angry with Tariro. After all, I had sacrificed so her chances in life would improve.

Without Tariro, my small house feels empty. My money meant nothing without her smile to brighten my day. I fear I have lost the l0ve of my good years working so hard for her future, not realizing her heart had already changed.

Dear Aunt Lisa, you have faced many hardships with wisdom. What can I do to mend my broken heart? Some days I wonder if sending Tariro to university was a mistake, yet I cannot truly regret giving her the gift of education.

Your loving nephew,



Aunty Lisa responds:

Dear Muza,

My heart aches to hear of your pain. While Tariro’s actions have hurt you deeply, do not let it diminish the goodness in your heart that made you support her dreams. You gave her the gift of an education out of pure l0ve, and that is an action of great character.

It is easy to become bitter, but I encourage you to think of the positive impact you have had on Tariro’s life. You helped open doors of opportunity that will stay open for her forever. That is no small thing.

As for mending your broken heart, know that time does heal wounds. For now, focus on yourself. Spend time with family and friends who lift your spirits. Pursue your own interests and goals that you had put aside. And open your heart to the possibility of l0ve again someday. Not every relati0nship is meant to last forever, but every one teaches us something about life, courage and compassion.

The man Tariro chose may offer her financial security, but she will never forget the depth of selfless l0ve you showed her – choosing to support someone’s dreams above all else. That is a rare and beautiful gift.
Hold your head high, dear Muza. You have so much goodness still to give the world.

With love and wisdom,

Aunt Lisa

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