I left my boyfriǝnd because he was broke – now he’s a rich mbinga and I want him back desperately

File pic: Worried woman

Dear Aunty Lisa,

I am writing to you with great regret and embarrassment. A few years ago I ended a relati0nship with a kind and caring man because he did not have much money. I was young and cared too much about material things.

However, I recently heard that my ex’s business has taken off and he is now quite wealthy. My fǝǝlings for him have returned and I deeply regret letting him go.

I know I hurt him badly by ending our relati0nship for such a shallow reason. But I have grown since then and realize money is not as important as l0ve and companionship. My ex brought out the best in me and we shared a strong connection.

Aunty Lisa, I wonder if you think there is any way for me to make amends and win back my ex? I want to apologize sincerely for my mistake and tell him I was wrong to dump him over his financial situation. I still l0ve him and hope he could find it in his heart to give me a second chance.

However, I worry he will not forgive or trust me after what I did. Please share any wisdom you have. How might I approach my ex in a genuine and humble manner to express my regret and ask for his forgiveness? And is there any way I could rebuild his trust and convince him of my sincerity?

I seek your guidance as I navigate this difficult yet hopeful situation. I deeply regret hurting my ex but hope to make things right between us, if possible. Any advice would be much appreciated.

Thank you in advance,



Aunty Lisa responds:

Dear Melo,

While your regret and desire to make amends are a positive first step, winning back this man will not be easy. You ended things with him in a hurtful way that likely raised doubts about your character.

I understand people grow and change, but your ex may be understandably cautious. Rebuilding trust takes time, vulnerability and consistent demonstrated care. Even then, he may never fully forgive you. Still, honesty and humility are always admirable.

If you wish to apologize, do so from the heart with no strings attached. Explain how you’ve matured since then and recognize the error of your ways. Don’t focus on his wealth but express genuine remorse for hurting him and desire to make amends.

Ask for a chance to speak in person. Apologize face-to-face, taking full accountability for your actions. Express only your sincere regret for the pain you caused, without expectation he will accept your apology or reconciliation.

Then leave the choice up to him. The ball will be in his court. Respect his decision, whether positive or negative. If he needs space or rejects you, accept it gracefully. Your apology was what mattered.

If he is willing to meet again as friends, take things very slowly. Focus on rebuilding trust through compassion and consistency. Do not rush into resuming a relati0nship.

Ultimately, you cannot control his response. The healthiest path forward is honesty, humility and grace on your part. Which also means accepting the outcome with equanimity, regardless of his decision.

I wish you the very best in following your higher self with courage, truth and compassion. Your growth is its own reward, my dear.

With wisdom and l0ve,

Aunty Lisa

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