I can’t seem to find an honest man. Does such a thing still exist?

File pic: Worried woman

Dear Aunt Lisa,

I hope this letter finds you well. Things are tough here in Zimbabwe but I am managing. I wanted to write to you because I am in need of some advice from my wise aunt.

I am now 27 years old and I would really like to find a good husband and start my own family soon. However, it seems like most men I meet just want to have fun and are not serious about marriage and commitment. I want an honest man who will be faithful to me and help provide for our family.

Zimbabwean culture puts a lot of pressure on women to get married, but I don’t want to settle for just any man. I want a husband who will truly l0ve and cherish me, and I will do the same for him. Do you have any words of wisdom for finding such an honest man who will make a good husband? Any advice you could give me would be very helpful.

Your loving niece



Aunty Lisa responds:

My dear niece Samantha,

It was so lovely to receive your letter and hear how you are doing. I pray for your health, happiness and success always.

I understand your wishes to find a good husband and start a family of your own. But I also know the challenges of finding an honest man of good character, especially in today’s world. Here are some pieces of advice I would offer:

• Take your time and do not rush into anything. Wait for the right man who truly values you and will be a good husband and father.

• Focus on building your own life and pursuing your goals. A good husband will complement your life, not complete it.

• Look for a man who shares your values of honesty, faithfulness, hard work and family. These common values will form a strong foundation for any marriage.

• Judge a man by his actions, not just his words. Does he treat others with kindness and respect? How does he handle challenges and difficulties? Look for a consistent pattern of good character.

• Pray for wisdom to know a good man when you meet him. Ask God to guide your path and prepare the right husband for you in His perfect timing. Trust that His plans are bigger and better than your own.

I know the wait can be hard, but do not settle for less than what you truly deserve – a loving, committed husband who will cherish you as God’s precious daughter.

You remain always in my thoughts and prayers. Keep the faith, sweet niece! I look forward to meeting your future husband whenever God brings him into your life.

All my love,

Aunt Lisa

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