I’ve developed a crush on hɑndsome young mɑn who lives next door, how do I get him to notice me?

File Pic: Hot girl

Dear Aunty Lisa,

My name is Sharon and I am writing to you for some advice. I am a 21-year-old girl living in Harare. For the last year, I have developed a crush on the hɑndsome young man who lives next door. His name is Tawanda and he is 23 years old.

Every time I see Tawanda, my heart skips a beat. He has the most beɑutiful smile that lights up his whole face. Tawanda is also very kind and helpful. He often helps my parents with fixing things around the house. I dream of the day Tawanda might see me as more than just a neighbour.

Aunty Lisa, I was hoping you could give me some advice on how I can get Tawanda to notice me. Should I bake him cookies and take them over as a gesture? Or would that seem too forward? I want to attrɑct Tawanda in a respectful way that also shows I am interested in getting to know him better.

Please help me, Aunty Lisa! I have never felt this way about any other boy and I want so much for Tawanda to see me the way I see him. Any suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your wise counsel. I look forward to learning from your years of experience and am grateful for your time.

Yours truly,



Aunty Lisa responds:

Dear Sharon,

What a joy it is to help young people find l0ve! First, I say take heart – at your age, romɑnce seems freshest and most hopeful.

While baking Tawanda cookies could be a sweet gesture, I suggest starting more subtly. A smile and friendly wave, whenever you see him, will signal your kindness and interest without being overbearing. Ask him how his day is going from time to time.

When you have a chance to speak to Tawanda, focus the conversation on learning more about him as a person. Ask open-ended questions that show you care about his interests, dreams and passions. Active listening is a valuable skill in any relɑtionship.

If an opportunity arises for you to spend time with Tawanda one-on-one, take it! An outing to a nearby coffee shop or walk in a neighbourhood park could help you connect on a deeper level away from the bustle of home.

However, Tawanda responds, always conduct yourself with grace, dignity and self-respect. A beautiful heart is the most magnetic force of all.

Continue to pray and seek wisdom from those you trust. Above all, l0ve yourself. The right person at the right time will be drawn to your radiant spirit.

I wish you the very best, Sharon! Keep me updated on this budding romɑnce. With patience, care and open communication, I have no doubt l0ve can blossom between neighbours.


Aunty Lisa

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