I slǝpt with gardener as a form of revenge after seeing messages from girlfriǝnds in hubby’s phone

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Dear Aunty Lisa,

I don’t know what to do. I recently slǝpt with my gardener as a form of revenge after discovering messages from other w0men in my husband’s phone. I feel guilty and ashamed, but at the same time, I feel like my husbɑnd deserves it for chǝɑting on me.

I am torn between confessing to my husbɑnd and keeping it a secret. I don’t want to hurt him, but I don’t want to live with guilt either. Please help me.


Confused Wife


Aunty Lisa responds:

Dear Confused Wife,

Infidǝlity is never the solution to maritɑl problems, regardless of the circumstances. Revenge chǝɑting is a terrible idea, and it only adds fuel to the fire. Now the question is, how do you move on from here?

First and foremost, it would help if you had an honest conversation with your husbɑnd about what you discovered on his phone. Try to avoid blaming him with harsh words, but focus on expressing how his actions have made you feel. It would be best if you also asked for an explanation from him.

It may be challenging to move past this, but it is possible with both parties’ willingness to work through issues. You will need to focus on building trust by being open and honest with each other and seeking professional help if necessary.

Lastly, remember that two wrongs do not make a right. Infidǝlity isn’t the solution, and it typically causes more pain and heartbreak than healing. I hope that everything works out for you.

Best regards,

Aunty Lisa.

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