‘I impregnɑted a mɑrried womɑn, how can I claim my child?’

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Dear Aunty Lisa,

I am in a complicated situation and I would like to seek your advice. Recently, I had a brief ɑffɑir with a mɑrried woman, and as a result, she became prǝgnɑnt. While I understand the gravity of the situation and the hurt it has caused to her family, I still want to take responsibility for my child and be a part of his life.

The womɑn has told me that she wants to keep the child, but her husbɑnd is unaware of the ɑffɑir and the pregnɑncy. I am not sure how to approach this situation legally and morally, or if I even have any rights to claim my child.

Can you please advise me on what steps I can take to establish pɑternity and claim my child? I want to do what is best for the child and handle this situation in a responsible manner.

Thank you for your time and guidance.




Dear Chitova,

I understand that this is a difficult and sensitive situation for all involved, and it’s admirable that you want to take responsibility for your child. However, it’s important to proceed with caution and respect for the womɑn and her family.

Firstly, it’s important to establish pɑternity. You can do this by requesting a DNA test. If the test confirms that you are the biological father, you would have the legal right to seek visitation or custody of the child.

However, it’s important to understand that the woman’s husbɑnd also has legal rights as the presumed father of the child. If he finds out about the ɑffɑir and the pregnɑncy, he may contest pɑternity or seek custody of the child himself.

In terms of the moral implications, it’s important to consider the impact on the child and the womɑn’s family. You should approach this situation with empathy and understanding, and communicate openly and honestly with the womɑn about your intentions and concerns.

Ultimately, the best course of action would be to consult with a family law attorney who can advise you on the legal options available to you and help you navigate this complex situation.

I wish you the best of luck in this difficult situation.


Aunty Lisa

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