‘I lied to my b0yfriend that I am a virg!n, now I don’t know what to do’

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Dear Aunty Lisa,

I am in a very difficult situation and I’m not sure what to do. I lied to my b0yfriend that I am a virg!n, but in reality, I am not. I feel terrible about lying to him, but I was afraid he would leave me if he found out the truth.

I am now worried that if we get intimɑte, he will realize that I am not a virg!n and he will be upset and even break up with me. I don’t know what to do or how to tell him the truth.

Should I come clean and tell him the truth or should I continue to keep this a secret?




Aunty Lisa Responds:

Dear Anonymous,

Lying to your partner is never a good idea, and it’s understandable that you feel guilty about it. However, it’s important to remember that honesty is always the best policy when it comes to relationships.

It’s important to have an open and honest conversation with your b0yfriend about your ƨǝxuɑl history. While it might be uncomfortable, it’s important to be truthful about your past experiences.

Continuing to keep this a secret will only make things worse in the long run. If your b0yfriend finds out later that you lied to him, it could damage the trust in your relɑtionship and even lead to a breakup.

It’s important to be prepared for your b0yfriend’s reaction and to listen to his fǝǝlings about the situation. Remember that he has a right to know the truth, but he also has a right to his own fǝǝlings and reactions.

In the end, only you can decide whether to tell your b0yfriend the truth or not. However, being honest and upfront with him is the best way to move forward in your relɑtionship.

Good luck,

Aunty Lisa

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