5 Interesting Methods You Can Opt For Consuming MIT 45 Capsules


Kratom is native to Southeast Asia, and it’s a tropical tree. Most Kratom vendors get their Kratom strains like green, red, and white vein Kratom from Southeast Asia. It is scientifically known as Mitragyna speciosa.

The leaves of this tree are famous for making products for human consumption. Various sellers are available for Kratom capsules, but today we will focus on MIT45 Kratom and an exciting method that you can opt for consuming mit 45 capsules.

About MIT45

MIT45 Kratom is a vendor that offers quality products. MIT45 Kratom is famous for its capsules, liquid extracts, and raw leaves. If you are looking for products that are top quality, you must try MIT45 Kratom.

MIT45 Kratom offers approved Kratom lab-tested, GMO-free, and vegan products. So even if you are vegan, you can opt for MIT45 Kratom.

Overview Of MIT45 Capsules

If you are looking for the best capsule, then MIT45 is the perfect brand. With the correct dosage, you will experience various potential benefits. They have Kratom strains in capsules like white vein (maeng da Kratom), red, and green. The brand offers free shipping if you purchase products over $50. Their capsules are potent and fast acting and offer long-lasting effects.

5 Interesting Methods You Can Opt For Consuming MIT45 Kratom Capsules

Here are five interesting methods of consuming MIT45 Kratom.

  1. Consume By Mixing With Beverages

There are various ways of consuming Kratom capsules, and the first and most popular way of consuming them is by mixing them with beverages. However, several people can’t consume Kratom directly, so they prefer mixing it with their beverages.

Although consuming capsules is relatively easy, you can’t mix them directly with your favorite beverages. If you don’t know how to create your beverage with the capsules, here we share a recipe for the most popular beverage: Kratom tea.

Making a delicious cup of Tea requires using high-quality Kratom. In addition to being unpleasant to the palate, coarse grinds hinder your body’s ability to absorb the alkaloids. Therefore, always choose Kratom capsules for making Tea, or you can also opt for Kratom, which is fine as matcha for this recipe and should be bright green.


Ingredients For Making Tea

  • MIT45 Kratom capsules (you can take capsules according to your dosage requirement)
  • A tablespoon of fresh lemon juice is the best option, but if you find them too messy, you might like to try any bottled lemon juice that says “not from concentrate.”
  • Honey or another sweetener to flavor (maple syrup and date syrup are great vegan substitutes)
  • 8 to 10 ounces of nearly boiling water
  • Now that you know what ingredients you will require to make Tea, here is the method that you will need to follow:
  • In the bottom of the mug, combine the Kratom, honey, and lemon into a thin, even paste. It keeps the Tea from clumping.
  • Pour in boiling water and let it stand until it is drinkable and cool.
  • Stir the Kratom as you sip to prevent silt from collecting at the bottom of the cup.

You can modify this recipe according to your requirements. For example, you can add Kratom capsules according to your dose requirements and add more ingredients like turmeric, black pepper, etc.

  1. Cut It And Mix It With Solid Food

Kratom users can mix their capsules with their favorite drink or beverage. However, they can also mix it with their favorite solid food. If you think mixing Kratom into your food will make it less potent, or you will not experience the effects of Kratom with solid food, that’s not the case.

We have a perfect recipe for Oatmeal with Kratom capsules that you must try. But not just that, we also have a banana ice cream recipe for you. Instead, you will be able to experience the enhancement in the taste of Kratom with solid food.

Oatmeal Recipe

Ingredients for Oatmeal with Kratom capsules

  • MIT 45 Kratom capsules
  • A cup old fashioned rolled oats
  • Tablespoons Greek yogurt
  • A cup of almond milk/soya milk
  • A tablespoon of chia seeds
  • A teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • A tablespoon of honey

Here is how you can make Oatmeal with the benefits of Kratom capsules:

  1. Add all the ingredients to a glass bowl or jar and mix to incorporate.
  2. Overnight or for at least two hours, cover and chill. Before chilling or right before eating, you can add your toppings.
  3. Uncover and enjoy the morning. Put the jar without the lid in the microwave for one minute if you prefer warm oats.


Banana Ice-cream Recipe

Many people will be surprised by this tasty, healthful delicacy that is vegan and made from bananas instead of milk or sugar. First, freeze ripe bananas without the peel. Then, take them out of the freezer when they are semi-frozen and place them in a powerful blender. If required, add a small amount of (coconut) milk to the mixture and combine until it resembles ice cream.

With this ice cream, you can satisfy your sweet tooth with the benefits of Kratom. Before mixing, add the desired dosage of Kratom capsules and extra sugar, if preferred, to make it even sweeter. However, this step is optional because ripe bananas are already very delicious.

  1. Swallow It Directly With Your Choice Of Drink

The following exciting method of consuming Kratom capsules is directly drinking with your drink choice. Many users usually experiment with Kratom to avoid its bitter and raw flavors. To do that, yes, you can mix it with some solid food, or you can prepare your favorite beverage by adding it, but someday you are feeling a little lazy to do that, but you can’t take Kratom capsules on your own.

So you can swallow it directly with your favorite drink, just like you will do with other regular capsules. However, with this, you won’t have to taste the bitter flavor of Kratom.

For instance, you can swallow capsules with drinks like iced Tea, milk, matcha, milkshake, etc., or anything that can cancel out the capsule’s bitter taste. By swallowing it directly, you will experience the effects of Kratom faster than any other method.

  1. Compliment With Other Kratom Products

Other Kratom products include Powder, liquid Kratom extract, Kratom shot, powder tea, etc. So the following way of consuming capsules is with such other products.

For instance, you can complement the capsule with the Kratom shot and consume your Kratom shot in the morning. Then, later in the afternoon or evening, you can have your capsule if you want to combine it with solid form the same way you can for Kratom extract.

For instance, you can consume your capsule dose in the morning, and later in the afternoon or at night, you can have Kratom extract. You can add Kratom extract to your night drink to make it more enjoyable.

The possibilities with this are endless. If you take Kratom daily, you can combine it with other products like extracts, Powder, and liquid, and you can mix it with foods and beverages.


  1. Use It While Baking

If you are a Kratom user and enjoy baking, why not combine the two? Yes, that’s right, you should try baking with a Kratom capsule. Incorporating Kratom into delicious, simple-to-prepare dishes is the best way to deal with its bitter flavor.

You can experiment and create your recipe in this way. Instead of consuming your capsules, make it more fun and bake it with some yummy flavors.

Nothing beats a chocolate chip cookie for a lazy and comforting afternoon. You won’t even realize that they contain the healthful goodness of Kratom capsules because of their excellent chewy texture and gooey melting chocolate chips. So if you enjoy Kratom, this is the must-try recipe for you.

Ingredients For Chocolate Chip Cookies

  • Kratom capsules, according to your dosage requirements.
  • Unsalted butter at room temperature
  • A cup of packed brown sugar; you can also opt for white sugar if that’s your preference.
  • One whole egg and egg yolk
  • Vanilla Extracts
  • A teaspoon of salt
  • All-purpose flour
  • A tablespoon of corn flour
  • A teaspoon of baking soda
  • Chocolate chips

Here is the method of baking cookies with Kratom capsules

  1. Take two baking sheets with parchment paper and preheat the oven to 325°F.
  2. In the next step, with the help of an electric mixer, mix cream butter and sugar for about 5 minutes or until it is light and fluffy.
  3. Beat the mixture while adding the egg, egg yolk, and vanilla essence until it has a mousse consistency.
  4. Combine the flour, corn flour, salt, baking soda, and Kratom capsules in a sieve. Then, using a wooden spoon, gradually add to the butter mixture until you have a soft dough.
  5. Add chocolate chunks and stir.
  6. Place a ball of dough formed from a spoonful of dough on the baking sheet. Each dough ball should be spaced apart by 2 inches. Each baking sheet should be able to accommodate six cookies.
  7. Bake for 10 minutes, turning the baking sheets over halfway through. The cookies should have pale centers and slightly browned edges. Leave the cookies in the oven for 2 to 3 minutes for a crispier cookie.
  8. Repeat baking with the remaining dough after removing it from the oven and letting it cool for 10 minutes.


Why Should You Buy Kratom Capsules From MIT45 Kratom?

Here are the reasons why you should buy MIT45.

Premium Quality Of The MIT45 Capsule

One of the significant reasons you should buy from MIT 45 is that they offer premium quality organic products with natural flavors that will offer unique benefits. In addition, the brand doesn’t compromise on the quality of products they offer in the market.

American Kratom Association Approved The MIT45 Capsule

Another reason for preferring Kratom products from MIT 45 is that all their products are American Kratom Association-approved and come with advanced extraction techniques. All their products are safe to consume. They don’t offer products that can harm their customers.

Guaranteed Satisfaction With MIT45 Capsules And Other Products

If you are looking for products that offer the best experience, you can’t skip MIT 45. They offer full-spectrum Kratom products that will satisfy you. If they are satisfied with their products, you can return them within 30 days of purchase.

Types Of Kratom Product To Try

Here are some of the most popular Kratom-infused products from MIT45.

MIT45 Capsules

MIT45 Kratom Extracts

The following Kratom product is Kratom extracts; you can find vendors offering spectrum extract and liquid Kratom extract that offers rich Kratom flavors. The pure extract may offer you an enhanced experience with Kratom.

You can also take liquid Kratom extract shots. These Kratom liquid extracts are usually potent, so you should avoid taking them in high doses. But usually, liquid Kratom shots are expensive. Liquid Kratom extracts come in a variety of flavors.

MIT45 Liquid Kratom Shots

Liquid Kratom products are pretty popular. It would help if you tried Kratom liquid with other drinks. If you are an experienced user, you can have a direct liquid Kratom shot; this liquid Kratom shot is not so beginner friendly. However, it will enhance the taste and experience of Kratom.

You can find Kratom shots in various flavors, and these liquid Kratom shots also come with different potencies. Kratom liquids, like gold liquid, are very popular in the industry.

MIT45 Tea

Kratom is perfect for people who enjoy beverages and consume Kratom. If you are Kratom enthusiasts who like to consume a liquid form of Kratom, then this Tea is must try for you. You can find this Tea in different Kratom strains, like white, green, and red veins.

MIT45 Raw Leaf

Raw Kratom leaves are something that a lot of experienced Kratom users prefer. These Kratom leaves are bitter and have an earthy flavor.

Kratom leaves are available in red, white, and green strains. With the help of these leaves, users can create their Kratom blend. They can also use these leaves for customizing their Kratom powder.

MIT45 Kratom Powder

The Kratom powder form is another popular product that you must try. You can find organic Kratom powder that comes directly from the Kratom tree. This Powder is rich in Kratom alkaloids and offers a potent effect. If you are a beginner, you should avoid consuming Kratom powder directly, and you can mix it with your food or beverages.

The Bottom Line

Various products come from the Mitragyna speciosa plant, and the capsule is one of them. We have mentioned some interesting methods of consuming this capsule in this article so that you can experiment and enjoy it. If you are looking for quality products, you should try MIT45, as they have the best Kratom to offer.

But before you start taking this capsule, make sure you are taking advice from healthcare practitioners. Because you can experience health issues, a high dosage can also lead to addiction.  You can also search for facts like how long does kratom stay in your system so that you are able to dose accordingly.

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