He knows he stole the election: Dr Stop It speaks on Ngwena’s desperate plea for endorsement


My Dear People

The fallout from the shambolic and embarrassing elections held last month continues apace as the European Union withdrew its US$5 million funding for the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Zec).

The EU has realised that it cannot throw its money down a bottomless pit by funding a partisan electoral body that conducted an election that was even baulked at by the regional body Sadc.

It is yet another blow for the Ngwena-led dispensation of poverty, darkness and confusion whose efforts to pass last months’ elections charade as credible, free and fair has been dismissed with the contempt it deserves.

No organisation worth its salt will validate an election characterised by widespread voter intimidation, voter suppression as evidenced by the inordinate delay in the delivery of ballot papers and the clampdown on local electoral observers by the state, among other flaws.

It is telling that even Ngwena’s allies such as China did not go as far as calling the elections free and fair, limiting themselves to only calling the polls peaceful.

To make the situation worse, the Lacoste leader has more or less told those who have condemned the elections to go to hell.

The shameful conduct of the elections will also have an adverse impact on the talks by the Zimbabwe government over the resolution of the country’s odious debt with international finance institutions which is being spearheaded by the AfDB president Akinwumi Adesina and former Mozambican president Joaquim Chissano.

Both stressed the importance of credible elections in resolving the country’ debt crisis.

With the outcome of these sham elections, Adesina and Chissano might as well wash their hands off the process instead of tarnishing their reputation by continuing in a process that is not unlike chasing rainbows.

Indeed the chickens are coming to roost. There are always consequences for election chicanery.

I could not stop laughing while reading a story in the Horrid where Ngwena was gloating about how he finally extracted a congratulatory message from the Sadc chairperson and Angolan leader Joao Lourenco in New York.

Lourenco is one of the Sadc leaders that have refrained from publicly endorsing the sham election. The desperation by Ngwena to be endorsed by his peers has reached embarrassing levels.

He knows he stole the election. Kikikiki. Munopengaaaaa!

The nutty professor in charge of our finances demonstrated that his delusional tendencies are well and truly intact after being reappointed to cabinet.

Addressing delegates during the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Zimbabwe convention held in Bulawayo recently, Mthuli, wearing rose tinted glasses, said the country’s economy is booming.

“We have had such a positive rate of growth for three years in a row, 8,5% gross domestic product growth in 2021, 6,5% in 2022 and this year we are expecting to achieve 6%. Enjoy the economy and we are in good times,” he said to an audience that must have been bemused by such utterances.

The bespectacled professor must be confusing the state of the economy with his bulging pockets. There cannot be good times when one uses a currency that constantly loses value as evidenced by the depreciation of the local unit by 6,3% on the official exchange rate this week .

There cannot be good times when inflation skyrockets to three digits reaching a high of more than 800% in 2020 and continuing to remain in three digits even after blending prices in both local and hard currency.

It definitely cannot be good times when incomes are constantly eroded further entrenching poverty in the country.

Mthuli’s flight of fancy during his address continued when he pointed out that the country’s citizens should not complain about the abundance of choice of currencies to use as no country in the world, as far as he knew, offered such a choice. Unopenga!!!

He conveniently omitted to point out that this development was not as a result of government generosity, but as a result of the chaos that ensued when the Lacoste regime tried to introduce the Zimbabwe dollar as the sole legal tender in June 2019 without measures in place to ensure its stability.

The economy nosedived spectacularly as a result of this hare-brained idea, forcing it to bring back the multi-currency regime under the guise of ameliorating the crisis brought about by the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic.

It is little wonder that this deluded professor was roundly rejected by the electorate in Cowdray Park, Bulawayo in last months’ polls.

The return of the second repubric has brought about disillusionment.

No sooner had Ngwena and his cabal started its new term of office, pandemonium and turmoil ensued with the transport mayhem as a result of the crackdown on transport operators by the Zimbabwe Republic Police.

Commuters have been forced to wait long hours before getting transport to return home after work and at times being dropped off far from the city centre forcing them to walk long distances to get to their destinations in the morning .

As the country’s citizens grapple with the transport crisis as a result of the cabal’s failure in the transport sector, they also now have to contend with the power outages which resumed with a vengeance since the Lacoste gang leader won the disputed election.

It is now clear that the octogenarian leader misled the nation when he said that load shedding in the country had come to an end in the run up to the sham polls.

Darkness is now the order of the day since Ngwena was re-elected.

Barely a month after Ngwena’s re-election, the suffering has already begun.

It shall be a long five years with the Lacoste regime already living up to its reputation as the dispensation of poverty , darkness and confusion.


Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake)

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