Family ambushed by gang of armed robbers in bloody midnight home invasion


A family in Rangemore, Bulawayo had a harrowing experience when six armed robbers invaded their home in the dead of night, leaving some victims stabbed in a violent home invasion.

The gang of robbers, armed with pistols, knives, an iron rod and a sjambok whip, broke into the house around 3 am on Tuesday using an iron rod to force open the main door. The homeowner only noticed the intruders when they were already in the living room.

When the homeowner tried to flee, the robbers held him at gunpoint, forced him to the floor and kept him under guard while four others rounded up the additional family members from their bedrooms.

Two victims who resisted were brutally stabbed and assaulted by the robbers. The gang made off with a total of $335 USD in cash, R1 000, 47 000 Zimbabwe dollars, 8 cellphones and a laptop after demanding money from the homeowner.

The blood-soaked family reported the violent robbery under case number RRB5381891, though police could not be reached for comment.

The incident shows the ruthlessness of criminal gangs, preying on families in their own homes under cover of darkness and responding with vicious violence to any resistance. Hopefully police can apprehend the culprits and bring them to justice.

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