Wife knocks out husband’s tooth for daring to ask “Where were you last night?”

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A Harare man has been granted a peace order against his abusive wife who recently injured him in an attack with a hoe after he asked her where she had spent the previous night.

Civil court magistrate Tamara Chibindi granted the order to Zephaniah Masuka who also told the court that Ernest Chivi had denied him his c0njugal rights for the past three months and had even bitten his groin.

The court heard that Chivi was a bully and abusive to her husband whom she threatened to kill on a number of occasions.

“Ernest struck me with a hoe. I lost my tooth and sometimes she chases me away from home whilst I am nɑkǝd,” said Zephaniah.

“I opened a tuckshop and she doesn’t want to see me doing anything progressive. For these reasons she took all the profits from the tuckshop and when I ask her she escorts me from the house.

“I confronted her about it and she beat me up with a stick like a kid and injured my arm, prompting me to leave my own house and seek refuge around Budiriro streets,” said Zephaniah.

In her defence, Chivi denied ever assaulting her husband, claiming that he was injured when they fought and that she had only acted in self-defence.

“Your worship, I never assaulted my husband, but he does not want to see me and my children in the house that we built together. I never chased him out of our matrimonial home, but he chases away my child who was about to get married saying he do not want to receive lobola from her and I don’t know where my daughter she is now..

“I just said let us arrange lobola days after this court issue and I did not refuse.”

Magistrate Tamara Chibindi however, granted the peace order against Chivi and warned her against perpetrating domestic violence.

— Herald

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