From bliss to misery: How one WhatsApp message destroyed woman’s peaceful marriage


A WOMAN from Pumula South suburb in Bulawayo is facing a tough time as her mɑrriɑgǝ hit turbulent times after her husband launched a scathing attack branding her a prostitute. He would also suffocate her with a pillow during the night.

Thembelani Mlangeni’s mɑrriɑgǝ took a turn for the worst after she received a stray message on her phone.

She said after that her husband Daniel Mlangeni launched a foul mouthed attack at her branding her a pr0stitute and would wake her up during the night accusing her of chǝat!ng on him.

She further said that each time they were involved in an argument her husband would shout at her and bash her.

She said her neighbours would rush to their home to restrain her temperamental husband. Thembelani said she was living in fear because at times her husband wakes up during the night and beats her up and would choke her with a pillow.

Thembelani applied for a protection order at Western Commonage Court.

Western Commonage Courts

Her affidavit reads in part: “I’m applying for a protection order against my husband Daniel Mlangeni. Things changed for the worst when I received a stray WhatsApp message on my phone, after that my husband accused me of chǝat!ng on him. He would bash me and sometimes he would wake up during the night and choke me with a pillow. I’m afraid he will end up killing me.”

The presiding magistrate Shepherd Mnjanja granted Thembelani a protection order. Daniel was ordered not to verbally and physically abuse his wife.

— BMetro

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