SWEET NEWS: Hwange power station drops ‘atomic bomb’ on Zimbabwe’s electricity woes


Zimbabweans welcome improved electricity supply across the country

Electricity supply has significantly improved in Zimbabwe over the past week, bringing relief to people and businesses. Hwange Thermal Power Station started generating more power, producing 740 megawatts as of yesterday compared to just 74 megawatts at the end of February.

The increased generation has reduced load shedding and power cuts that Zimbabweans had been experiencing for months. More stable electricity supply helps industries increase production, which supports the national economy. Reliable power is vital for the country’s development goals.

The government has assured farmers that they will have steady electricity during winter wheat planting season to maintain wheat self-sufficiency in the country. Power cuts are common in Southern Africa due to rising demand that has outstripped expansion of generation capacity.

However, electricity shortfalls in Zimbabwe are set to reduce as 300 megawatt Unit 7 at Hwange Thermal Power Station, set to come online this year, will add much needed power. The improved supply situation has brought relief to both households and industries that were struggling with lengthy power cuts.

ZESA Holdings spokesperson Dr. George Manyaya said a cabinet statement on the issue would be released the following day. He added that Kariba Power Station was currently generating 761 megawatts while Hwange Power Station was producing 740 megawatts.

Residents and businesses welcomed the more reliable supply, hoping the situation would continue to improve. The imminent completion of Unit 8 at Hwange, adding another 300 megawatts, will further help address Zimbabwe’s power challenges.

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