2023 ELECTIONS: Opposition leader counts on ‘heavenly help’ to work Zimbabwe poll miracle


Little-known presidential candidate Blessing Kasiyamhuru is pinning his hopes on “spiritual intelligence” to propel his unlikely bid for the highest office in Zimbabwe.

The fringe opponent of President Emmerson Mnangagwa and popular opposition challenger Nelson Chamisa admits his chances are slim, but says “Christian principles” will guide his longshot campaign.

Kasiyamhuru, leader of the tiny Zimbabwe Partnership for Prosperity party (ZIPP), is making his second attempt at the presidency. He received next to no votes in the 2018 election and is facing an uphill battle against political heavyweights in 2023. But he insists new generations of Zimbabweans are hungry for change and his message of “peace” will resonate with spiritual voters.

When asked how he plans to compete with well-funded campaigns and organized ground operations, Kasiyamhuru points to an undefined “capacity within Zimbabweans” that he claims his “spiritual intelligence” can unlock. However, he provides no concrete policies, programs or strategies to differentiate his campaign from other also-rans in the race.

Political analysts dismiss Kasiyamhuru’s candidacy as a long shot based on religious ideals rather than real policy substance that could resonate widely among voters. Going up against President Mnangagwa’s resources and organizational strength as well as Nelson Chamisa’s massive grassroots support will require more than divine inspiration, they say.

So while outside challengers provide diversity and choices for Zimbabwean voters, Kasiyamhuru’s campaign seems doomed from the start. His shallow platform of “Christian principles” and “spiritual intelligence” fails to offer any tangible vision for the crisis-ridden country, leaving voters cold as the election approaches. Looks like this repeat presidential pretender is destined for also-ran status once again.

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