Tyson’s troubles mount: New court case heaps more pressure on Kasukuwere’s election hopes

G40 kingpin Cde Saviour Kasukuwere

Fugitive former Zanu PF member and Presidential hopeful Saviour Kasukuwere is planning a dramatic return to Zimbabwe to launch his campaign, insiders claim.

Kasukuwere, who fled the country after a military coup in 2017, has been nominated as an independent candidate for the August elections. But his candidacy has been challenged in the courts by Zanu PF officials who want to block him.

His spokesperson Jacqueline Sande dismissed the court cases as “intimidation tactics” and said Kasukuwere is “gearing up for the race”.

Sande told reporters: “We are anticipating the president will arrive anytime soon to kickstart his presidential campaign. We have witnessed a barrage of court cases…All these court cases are meant to deter us but will not affect our candidature in any way.”

She added that Kasukuwere’s team had received yet another court challenge from one George Master seeking to bar Kasukuwere from contesting in the elections.

But can “Tyson” – as Kasukuwere is known – really shake up the election? He remains a divisive figure in Zimbabwe after his controversial time as a Zanu PF minister.

Only time will tell if his return will rock the establishment – or just end up as another damp squib in Zimbabwe’s never-ending political dramas.

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