Sh0ck as woman plots with b0yfriend to kill husbɑnd after their lula lula ɑffɑir was exposed


A Chitungwiza woman connived with her l0ver to murder her husband after he found out that she was having an extrɑ-maritɑl ɑffɑir.

The murder plot was busted by the husbɑnd and the wife, Emily Chikwature, took their four minor children and went into hiding.

Chikwature’s l0ver, Elvis Zisengwe (22), appeared in court yesterday charged with conspiracy to commit murder.

The State said Zisengwe and Chikwature are churchmates.

Chikwature gave Zisengwe her husband’s picture and US$100, which were required by a sangoma they had engaged, to help them take out her husband.

Chikwature’s husband unearthed the plot and made a police report.

— HMetro

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