Ex MDC-T spokesperson Witness Dube exposes Chamisa and Mwonzora’s evil deeds

Former MDC-T bigwigs Cdes Witness Dube and Blessing Chebundo

MDC-T spokesman Witness Dube sensationally defected to Zanu PF at the weekend – slamming his former party as “directionless” and in “freefall collapse” under Douglas Mwonzora.

Dube, who was paraded on stage at Zanu PF’s Centenary rally, told ZimLive the MDC had “deviated” from its founding vision.

He attacked opposition leaders Chamisa and Mwonzora as “arrogant,” accusing them of tearing the MDC party apart in 2014.

Dube also savaged Chamisa’s new CCC party as a “philistine building which Samson destroyed.”

“Without Chamisa and a few others, there will be NO CCC party,” he claimed.

But Dube praised Zanu PF, insisting the ruling party had a “genuine passion and love for Zimbabweans”.

“Zanu PF is the ONLY party with genuine passion,” he said.

Dube claimed the opposition only wanted to “access taxpayers’ money” and had “not added any value” – while Zanu PF had “reformed itself” by taking notes from engaging the opposition.

He accused the opposition of “misusing grants” and “failing to pay” candidates’ fees.

Dube’s dramatic defection is an embarrassing blow for Mwonzora – with critics accusing opposition parties of having “lost the plot”.

Observers say defectors are rushing into Zanu PF’s arms as it wields state power to reward supporters. But Dube claims the ruling party is the only one with a “clear agenda for Zimbabwe”.

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