SH0CKER Mbinga goes mad after spending years on the fast lane as a well-known dealer


BLABBER is greatly disturbed by what is happening to this other brother of ours who has suddenly gone insane after having spent years on the fast lane as a well-known dealer in the city.

Before going into detail about the dealer who has gone mad, all me, dear reader, to delve into yet another disturbing issue about night shift security guards who are turning different company premises around the city into lodges for ƨǝx workers.

Yours Truly was sh0cked to learn that this other well-known building society is a safe haven for ƨǝx workers and their clients at night, thanks to security guards who charge a dollar for couples to get some space to enjoy themselves.

Get me right, it is not only at this well-known building society where this is happening but many other buildings around the city, including that other downtown mall.

Far from offices that are being turned into lodges at night, Blabber is concerned about the sad events unfolding in this other dealer’s life, who has suddenly lost sanity.

We all know him from the days he used to sell second hand as well as new phone handsets right in the central business district, especially around that hard hat area where anything, including a human skull, can be sold.

He used to wear different colors of suits almost every day and his height is ideal for a basketball star.

Some remember this city dealer from the days he started a church of his own while others remember him for recording an album as he tried to venture into music.

Word reaching Yours Truly is that he has lost his mind and is now eating from dust bins in town and in the high density suburb where he stays.

His condition has sent tongues wagging with one school of thought proffering that it is a result of drug abuse while others have it that it is because of his relative’s money spinning rituals.

Most of you will know that he has a relative who used to run a flourishing baking company before he just went broke under unclear circumstances.

At the end of it all, whatever the cause might be, Blabber wishes our dear city dealer a speedy recovery and hope to see him once again in his normal senses.

— Manica Post

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