Drama in court as unemployed husband accuses ‘hard-working’ wife of witchcraft


Faith Mungandi, a Harare resident, recently claimed in court that her jobless husband, Taurai Maigurira, had been accusing her of practicing witchcraft. According to Mungandi, she has been a victim of domestic violence for years after her husband lost his job.

“I work hard and always make sure that I find extra jobs to sustain the family,” Mungandi submitted to the magistrate. “However, he is not appreciating my efforts and is accusing me of bewitching him, causing him bad luck.”

Mungandi also claimed that Maigurira had been verbally abusing her in front of their children, causing them to lose respect for her. “The children have lost respect for me because of his insults calling me a witch,” she said.

Magistrate Sharon Mashavira granted Mungandi’s application for a protection order, ensuring that she and her children would be safe from further abuse. The case has drawn attention from various communities, with many expressing sh0ck and disbelief at the accusations of witchcraft.

Stay tuned for more updates on this intriguing case of domestic violence and alleged witchcraft in Harare.

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