I hear CCC burnt houses in Shurugwi: Mnangagwa breathes fire after 10 houses were torched

File pic: Hut on fire

PRESIDENT Mnangagwa has directed the police to bring to book all those linked to the reported incident of suspected political violence in Shurugwi, Midlands Province, and urged Zimbabweans to continue upholding the values of peace, unity, and tolerance during the election period.

The country is set to hold its harmonised general elections on August 23, and so far, the environment has been peaceful with the President on numerous platforms calling for peace before, during, and after the elections.

According to the police, a total of seven people were burnt to death while 10 houses were also torched in suspected arson attacks, which took place in different parts of the country, including in Shurugwi. The police had initially ruled out any linkage of the attacks to election politics.

Speaking at the commissioning of Muchesu Coking Coal Project in Binga yesterday President Mnangagwa expressed sh0ck over such reports, which are suspected to have been committed by opposition activists against Zanu-PF-aligned members. He said such barbaric acts would not be tolerated.

“We want peace, peace in this country, before, during, and after the elections. We reject violence. I hear CCC (Citizens Coalition for Change) burnt houses in Shurugwi yesterday (Sunday), we don’t want that,” he said.

“I have instructed the police to track them down and they tell us who told them to burn the houses, then we also ask those that sent them who they got those instructions from, is it from another master?

“We must reject those parties that cause division and suffering among our people because when someone burns your house, they clearly want you to suffer,” said the President.

“Even the Almighty Lord blesses people who maintain peace. Therefore, let us ensure peace when we go for elections next month and shun any form of violence,” he added.

The President appealed to citizens in Binga to go out in large numbers and resoundingly vote for the ruling party on August 23, saying Zanu-PF was a party of action that continued to deliver on its promises.

“Next month we are going to have harmonised elections. Just look at all the development that has taken place in Zimbabwe under the Second Republic from Mutare to Plumtree from Kariba to Beitbridge. We leave no one and no place behind under the Second Republic,” he said.

“If you look at how Binga has transformed in the past two and a half years then you will agree with me that certainly Zanu-PF leaves no one behind.

“I know that all these years the Government of the day did not pay much attention to Binga, this has now changed. No place or no one will be left behind unless you as an individual you would want to stay behind,” said President Mnangagwa.

“We give you free farming inputs for you to have food security at the household level. We are building clinics throughout the country so that our mothers don’t travel long distances to give birth.

“I brought you the people of Binga 90 tonnes of mealie-meal as a way of thanking you for the love you have shown me and the ruling Zanu-PF. So, today, each of you will go with a 10kg bag of mealie-meal,” he said.

President Mnangagwa said the country was geared to attain an upper middle-income economy by 2030 and all the people had to do was vote back the revolutionary party come 23 August.

“Other small political parties talk and talk. Zanu-PF does not talk it does. What do you want talk, talk or do, do? The policies of Zanu-PF have brought us the investments we see today. What else would you want?” he said.

Speaking at the same event, Vice President General (Retired) Dr Constantino Chiwenga said God has anointed President Mnangagwa to bring the all-important development like what was being experienced under the Second Republic

He said it was important for the nation to reflect on the developmental projects embarked on by the Second Republic to appreciate the importance of President Mnangagwa to the nation.

“It’s not only in the mining sector that the President has excelled. As we approach the harmonised elections let us reflect on the projects and milestones that have been achieved by the President,” said the Vice President.

“These projects need President Mnangagwa’s thrust and vision. Therefore, I request you to vote for him in the upcoming elections.

“Today Binga walks tall and proud by the addition of this huge investment. This occasion comes a few weeks after the President commissioned Prospect Lithium Mine.

Prospect Lithium Mine

“These two projects are important and they will play a significant role in achieving Vision 2030 of becoming an upper middle-class economy,” he said.

“It is not that these minerals were not here but God has seen it fit that we start benefitting through the leadership of President Mnangagwa. As the people of Zimbabwe, we have to be grateful and supportive to President Mnangagwa who has made sure that we achieve these milestones.”

Dr Chiwenga also reiterated the President’s call against violence in the run-up to the August 23 elections.

“The President is a man of peace and shuns violence at all times, before, during, and after the elections hence let us all heed his calls to shun violence,” he said.

“President Mnangagwa is a revolutionary leader, unifier, and astute leader. It is only under his leadership that we will continue witnessing this peaceful environment, and attract investments such as these, which we are commissioning today (yesterday),” said VP Chiwenga.

— Chronicle

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