Chaos as Zanu PF candidate faints after a man jumped onto stage and punched him on privɑtǝs

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ZANU PF aspiring councillor for Mazowe ward 30, Benedict Kanda, fainted at a recent party event after he was punched on his privɑtǝs.

The matter came to light at Concession Magistrates Courts yesterday where Pharaoh Bernard (50) appeared before magistrate Joshua Nembaware charged with assault.

He pleaded guilty to the charge and was slapped with a six-month sentence.

Bernard will, however, not spend time in prison after his sentence was wholly suspended on condition he does not commit a similar offence in the next five years.

Pleading guilty while begging for mercy, Bernard told the magistrate that he was drunk when he committed the offence.

“Your worship, I was drunk when I committed this offence, please forgive me. I will not do it again,” lamented Bernard.

Prosecutor Precious Khanye told the court that on July 29, the aspiring councillor was entertaining people at Spar Farm in Mazowe when Bernard jumped onto the stage and punched him on his privɑtǝs. Kanda fell down and lost consciousness.

First aid was rendered and he regained consciousness. Bernard was arrested.

— NewsDay

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