EXCLUSIVE: Chamisa’s BOLD promise sends sh0ckwaves, makes it rain Zimdollar notes at Sakubva


In a jaw-dropping display of grand promises, opposition leader Nelson Chamisa made it rain Zimdollar notes at the Sakubva Sports Oval, declaring that he would abolish the local currency and put an end to violence and centralization of power if elected as President. The charismatic leader’s speech ignited excitement among his supporters, who eagerly threw currency notes into the air, momentarily halting his address.

Chamisa, addressing the enthusiastic crowd, passionately proclaimed, “Let us bid farewell to the worthless local currency. We want to ensure that people earn money with real value. Voting for me will mark the demise of the local currency.” His words resonated with the crowd, reflecting the frustration many Zimbabweans have experienced due to the ongoing struggles with the national currency.

With the local currency slowly recovering from a sharp depreciation against the United States dollar, Chamisa’s promise struck a chord with those who have suffered the brunt of economic instability.

The opposition leader also expressed concern over what he referred to as a culture of name-dropping perpetuated by the ruling Zanu PF government. Chamisa vowed to eradicate this practice once in power, emphasizing his commitment to ending violence and lawlessness.

“We have witnessed people committing heinous acts, disregarding the law and behaving as if they are above it. They do so under the protection of the Zanu PF flag. Just days ago, one of our supporters was tragically killed in Harare. There will be no accountability, and this cannot continue. Under my leadership, violence will become a relic of the past,” Chamisa passionately declared.

Reports of violence and intimidation leading up to the upcoming general elections have been on the rise, particularly in rural areas, with chiefs and headmen allegedly spearheading these acts. Chamisa revealed that he had been approached by chiefs who claimed that Zanu PF was pressuring them to compile lists of potential voters.

“Chiefs have confided in me, disclosing that they are being coerced into recording the names of their subjects and forcing them to vote for Zanu PF. Mnangagwa is behaving like Ian Smith, using violence and intimidation to govern without the consent of the people,” Chamisa alleged, drawing a parallel to the former Rhodesian Prime Minister.

In addition to his stance on violence and currency reform, Chamisa highlighted his plans for education, promising to bring an end to the controversial Continuous Assessment Learning Activities system that has caused distress among parents and teachers alike. Furthermore, he pledged to implement free primary education and reintroduce grants at the university level.

Regarding governance, Chamisa emphasized his commitment to devolution, ensuring that towns and cities have the power to make decisions independently.

Chamisa concluded his speech by urging Zimbabweans to bring about change by electing a new leader. “The country is heading in the wrong direction. We need to change the coach, and that coach is Mnangagwa. He has failed us and this nation. We need a new coach,” he asserted.

The rally took place at the Sakubva Sports Oval after the opposition party failed to secure the main stadium, currently undergoing renovations. Chamisa’s electrifying speech left supporters filled with hope and anticipation, with many eagerly awaiting the upcoming general elections as a potential turning point for the nation.

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