Fear strikes Zanu PF ahead of 2023 elections: CCC bigwig’s revelation sends sh0ckwaves!


Opposition party CCC sends Zanu PF into panic: Overwhelming support stirs fear and sleepless nights

In a fiery rally held in Bulawayo’s Nkulumane high-density suburb, Gift Siziba, the deputy spokesperson of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), made bold claims that Zanu PF and President Emmerson Mnangagwa were losing sleep over the growing support for his opposition party. Siziba confidently declared, “They fear us very much. We are not easy to shake off!”

With years of relentless struggle for freedom under their belt, Siziba asserted that CCC had become a force to be reckoned with. “For the past 20 years, we have been fighting in the real struggle for freedom, freedom for us and for the people,” he passionately expressed.

CCC deputy spokesperson Gift Ostallos Siziba

According to Siziba, Zanu PF officials couldn’t close their eyelids due to their constant worry of how CCC would defeat them in the upcoming elections. Urging the crowd to play their part, he called on voters to choose life and cast their votes for CCC, promising improved health services, better schools, and transportation systems.

However, Siziba didn’t shy away from addressing internal challenges within CCC. He blamed Forever Associates Zimbabwe (FAZ), an alleged Zanu PF affiliate, for the fielding of double candidates within their party. Siziba dismissed the likes of Dingilizwe Tshuma, Soneni Moyo, and Albert Mhlanga, who he claimed were using CCC’s popular party ticket to secure seats. Confidently, he declared, “You won’t win!”

The rally showcased other notable CCC candidates for parliamentary and council seats, including ward 26 councillor Mpumelelo Moyo, Thokozani Khupe, Jesmine Toffa, Surrender Kapoikule, and Pashor Sibanda. The event took place in close proximity to a Zanu PF gathering, where supporters were busy displaying banners and posters for singer Sandra Ndebele, who is vying for a council seat in the constituency.

As the political landscape heats up, all eyes are now on the upcoming elections, with CCC riding a wave of enthusiasm and support. Will their momentum be enough to shake the foundations of Zanu PF’s long-standing grip on power? Only time will tell.

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