Will they accept defeat if it happens?: Zanu PF’s confession shakes nation


In a dramatic turn of events, ZANU PF has finally admitted to its fear of losing the upcoming elections scheduled for next Wednesday. The party, which has been under scrutiny for its handling of previous election results, seemed hesitant to commit to accepting the outcome if it favours the opposition.

During a press conference held in the capital, party spokesperson Christopher Mutsvangwa skillfully evaded repeated questions from journalists about ZANU PF’s stance on accepting election results. When pressed, Mutsvangwa cryptically responded, “We don’t dream about losing. In fact, we are afraid of losing.” This admission shed light on the party’s deep-seated concerns about their electoral prospects.

Mutsvangwa further elaborated, stating, “We cannot lose elections because there are comrades who sacrificed their lives for the ruling party. We don’t think about losing, winning is our DNA.” The party’s fear of losing has allegedly driven them to work tirelessly in their campaign efforts, including courting investors to bolster their chances.

Meanwhile, opposition leader Nelson Chamisa, head of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), raised doubts about accepting the election results, citing a perceived plot to rig the polls. Chamisa, one of the 11 presidential candidates, has been vocal about his allegations of electoral manipulation, particularly in the 2018 elections where President Emmerson Mnangagwa secured a narrow victory.

The CCC challenged Mnangagwa’s win in the Constitutional Court, but their efforts were in vain as the court ruled in favor of the ZANU PF leader. In the lead-up to the current elections, the opposition has voiced concerns about an unfair playing field, accusing the ruling party of orchestrating an elaborate scheme to rig the polls.

As the election day approaches, tensions rise, and the nation eagerly awaits the outcome. Will ZANU PF’s fear of losing become a reality, or will their campaign efforts secure them another victory? Only time will tell in this high-stakes political showdown.

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