Tensions escalate as VP Chiwenga takes aim at Chamisa, calls him ‘a boy who looks after goats’

CCC leader Nelson Chamisa with Vice President General (Rtd) Constantino Chiwenga

Vice-President Constantino Chiwenga left the crowd in awe during a fiery rally in Victoria Falls, revealing that the government’s re-engagement efforts have borne fruit, attracting investments from several British companies. Chiwenga’s sensational claims sent sh0ckwaves through the nation, as he exposed the alleged backdoor influx of UK businesses into Zimbabwe.

Secrets Unveiled: British Companies Flock to Zimbabwe!

In a stunning revelation, Vice-President Constantino Chiwenga proudly announced that British companies have started investing in Zimbabwe, thanks to the government’s re-engagement process. With a smirk on his face, Chiwenga declared that the British had recognized their own lagging position and were now rushing to seize opportunities in Zimbabwe. The vice-president’s bombshell disclosure left the audience in Victoria Falls speechless.

Chiwenga Strikes Back: Taunts Opposition Leader Chamisa!

Taking aim at opposition leader Nelson Chamisa, Chiwenga didn’t hold back. He ridiculed Chamisa’s claims and referred to him as a “boy who looks after goats.”

Mocking Chamisa’s refusal to accept the election outcome, Chiwenga questioned why he even entered the race if he anticipated defeat. With a sly smile, the vice-president taunted Chamisa, asking where his party was and challenging the legitimacy of his claims.

“This boy (Chamisa) who looks after goats came here and said if he loses election, he will refuse the outcome. Why did he enter the race if he knows that he is going to lose? Who is he? No one begged him to come and contest? Does he have a party? Where is his cabinet?” Chiwenga asked rhetorically.

Traitor Unmasked: Chiwenga Accuses Chamisa of British Collusion!

In a sh0cking twist, Chiwenga labelled Chamisa a traitor who sought to return Zimbabwe to British colonial rule. The vice-president invoked the spirits of Ndebele kings, Mzilikazi and Lobengula, asserting that they would never allow such a betrayal to occur. With fervour in his voice, Chiwenga denounced Chamisa’s alleged collaboration with foreign powers.

Amidst a backdrop of political drama and accusations, Zimbabwe finds itself at a crossroads. Will the British investment herald a new era of prosperity, or are there hidden agendas at play? As the nation awaits further developments, the spotlight remains on Chiwenga’s bold claims and the potential ramifications for Zimbabwe’s economic and political landscape. Stay tuned for more updates on this sensational story!

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