Update on man who collapsed at polling station in Harare: Police issue statement

Commissioner Paul Nyathi

Police have dispelled as false, a report circulating on social media and quoted by some media outlets claiming that a 68-year-year old man yesterday died at a polling station at Warren Park High School, Harare.

In a statement last night, police said the correct position was that the man collapsed and was taken to a local medical facility where he is receiving treatment.

Police added that they would provide the full particulars of the man today during the consolidated media briefing.

It is however believed that the senior citizen has a chronic ailment and may have suffered from heat stress as he waited for his turn to vote. Police said polling countrywide went on peacefully.

In a statement national police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said they had adequate human resources deployed countrywide to enforce the law.

“The Zimbabwe Republic Police reports that since the opening of polling stations at 0700 hours across the country, the situation is calm and peaceful.

“The police is in liaison with the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission as the election management body attends to some logistical challenges that were noted at some polling stations.

“Therefore, there is no need for voters to panic and cause chaos. The Zimbabwe Republic Police applauds the public for continuing to vote in a peaceful manner,” he said.

— Herald

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