Harare Election Drama: President Mnangagwa’s secret worries revealed


In a stunning turn of events, secret behind-the-scenes revelations have emerged, shedding light on President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s palpable nervousness over the Harare vote during the recent elections in Zimbabwe. According to insiders, Mnangagwa repeatedly checked with officials about the progress of vote counting in Harare, indicating his worry about the outcome.

Harare Metropolitan province, with its approximately 1,578,000 people, holds significant electoral importance with 907,700 registered voters in Harare district and 176,000 in Chitungwiza district.

Additionally, the ruling party, Zanu PF, has faced challenges in securing support in Mutare and other urban areas, which have traditionally been strongholds for the opposition party, previously known as the MDC and now the Citizens Coalition for Change.

On the election day, delays in the opening of polling stations in Harare, caused by late delivery of election materials, fueled frustration among voters. Some individuals were unable to exercise their democratic right to vote, further heightening tensions. It was during this tumultuous period that President Mnangagwa’s nervousness began to surface.

Sources close to the president disclosed that Mnangagwa displayed signs of anxiety and repeatedly sought updates on the progress of the vote count in Harare. He was particularly concerned about his performance in the capital city and sought reassurance from top officials regarding the accuracy of the information he received.

To assess the situation in various constituencies, Mnangagwa relied on constituency specialists from Forever Associate Zimbabwe (Faz). Led by retired Brigadier-General Walter Tapfumaneyi, Faz, described as a registered private voluntary organization, reportedly has ties to the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO). These specialists provided honest assessments from their respective bases, offering crucial insights that influenced Mnangagwa’s overall vote percentage.

Vote consolidation took place at Chaminuka Building, serving as the headquarters of the CIO. Mnangagwa received constant updates from polling stations, and military intelligence also conducted its own vote consolidation. It predicted a higher percentage of votes for Mnangagwa compared to the CIO’s projections. The presence of the Joint Operations Command, comprising high-ranking officials from various security agencies, further underscores the seriousness attached to the election process.

The revelations surrounding Mnangagwa’s unease over the Harare vote have sparked speculation and concern throughout Zimbabwe. Critics argue that these behind-the-scenes anxieties point to potential electoral malpractices and a lack of confidence within the ruling party. Such revelations not only question the credibility of the election process but also cast doubt on the long-term stability and legitimacy of the government.

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