‘Mnangagwa’s desperate attempt to postpone elections and strike deal with CCC leader Nelson Chamisa’


Renowned Political Analyst Claims Mnangagwa Sought to Postpone Elections, Negotiate with Opposition Leader Chamisa

Ibbo Mandaza, a respected political analyst and convener of the Sapes Trust, has made startling revelations about President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s alleged intentions regarding this year’s elections in Zimbabwe. Mandaza asserted that Mnangagwa had desired to delay the elections by two years, aiming to extend his rule and then peacefully relinquish the presidential position in 2025.

During an interview with Trevor Ncube, the chairman of Alpha Media Holdings, on the platform “In Conversation with Trevor,” Mandaza disclosed that he had received reliable information indicating that Mnangagwa, contrary to previous denials, had indeed attempted to negotiate with opposition leader Nelson Chamisa regarding this proposed arrangement.

Reflecting on the past, Mandaza claimed, “A few months ago I got information from a very reliable quarter that Mnangagwa did not want elections because he knew it would be messy.” According to Mandaza, emissaries were sent to Chamisa in March, conveying Mnangagwa’s proposition to postpone the elections by two years and establish a Government of National Unity (GNU), with Mnangagwa committing to hand over power after two years.

However, Mandaza mentioned that Chamisa rejected the deal, as he believed he would emerge victorious in the elections.

The esteemed academic further criticized Mnangagwa’s rule, deeming it illegitimate in light of the adverse reports from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and other election observer missions. Despite the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission announcing Mnangagwa as the winner with 52.6% of the vote, Chamisa dismissed the results as a “gigantic fraud.”

Chamisa has since embarked on a diplomatic campaign to garner the support of regional leaders in addressing the election dispute. Mandaza emphasized the importance of not disregarding the SADC report, hinting that Mnangagwa might propose a Government of National Unity to preempt potential SADC actions.

Mandaza speculated on Mnangagwa’s motivations, suggesting that the president might be considering an exit strategy within the next two years, leading up to 2025, to avoid a situation akin to the prolonged tenure of Robert Mugabe. Mandaza also highlighted the challenges Mnangagwa faced, including difficulties in demilitarizing the country and his overall weariness.

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