Friends, family, loyalists and the least qualified: Mnangagwa’s new Cabinet causes a stir


Zimbabwe’s New Cabinet Sparks Debate

President Emmerson Mnangagwa recently announced Zimbabwe’s cabinet after being re-elected last month. However, some aspects of the new cabinet have generated discussion.

Zimbabwe continues to face economic struggles with issues like high inflation and unemployment. This is partially due to decades of authoritarian rule under late Robert Mugabe that ended in 2017. Mnangagwa, a long-time Mugabe ally, came to power promising political and economic reforms. However, his government has struggled to stabilize the economy and uphold democratic norms according to critics. The August election, which Mnangagwa’s ZANU-PF party won, was marred by allegations of irregularities, vote rigging and voter intimidation.

The main opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) party disputes the election results and has described the new cabinet as “illegitimate” and the worst since Zimbabwe’s independence in 1980 as it constituted “friends, family, loyalists and the least qualified. CCC spokesperson Promise Mkwananzi stated the appointments “fail the credibility and legitimacy test” given the contested nature of the poll.

The cabinet retained many prior members like the Finance Minister. But adding the President’s son and nephew as deputies raised concerns about nepotism. An expanded size of 26 members was also debated as an inefficient use of resources during hard times.

Some feel recycling existing leaders and politicians into key roles lacks inspiration and signals needed on economic changes. Outside experts note this could undermine efforts to regain trust after another contentious vote.

Overall, aspects of the new cabinet appointments have prompted discussion over priorities and technical competency concerns relative to Zimbabwe’s ongoing problems. How the government addresses criticism may impact rebuilding credibility both domestically and abroad. The situation remains one to watch as the country works to stabilize its situation.

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