In a harrowing incident that happened in Marondera, a man is currently fighting for his life at Parirenyatwa Hospital after a thigh vendor allegedly mutilated him with a broken mirror. The 43-year-old man, identified as Thomas Tasarirenhamo, had met with a woman named Mercy Nhira, aged 24, at the Two-Boy Business Centre around 10 pm on Wednesday.
According to reports, after engaging in lula lula with Mercy, Thomas began communicating with another lover, which apparently enraged her. Despite her anger, Mercy pretended that everything was fine and cɑressed Thomas. However, she suddenly grabbed a broken mirror and proceeded to slice off his genitalia calmly placing the severed parts into her pockets.
Following the horrific incident, Mercy was promptly arrested and brought before the Marondera Magistrates’ Court. She was remanded in custody pending a medical report that would assess the severity of Thomas’ injuries.
Mashonaland East provincial police spokesperson, Inspector Simon Chazovachii, confirmed the case and stated that Mercy is now facing charges of attempted murder.
The disturbing images depicting the aftermath of this savage attack have circulated on social media, sparking widespread outrage among users.