Forbidden Fashion: Why are yellow ties causing chaos in Zimbabwe’s Parliament?

File Pic: Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) legislators wearing yellow ties

Opposition legislators from the Citizens for Coalition of Change (CCC) have expressed their intention to challenge the recent ban on wearing yellow ties in Parliament. The ban was imposed following allegations by Zanu PF legislators that the opposition MPs were donning party regalia during the swearing-in ceremony.

Yellow happens to be the official colour of the CCC party, prompting concerns over the ban. Amos Chibaya, the legislator for Mkoba, criticized the prohibition, calling it harassment. He argued that there is no existing law that prohibits Members of Parliament from wearing yellow ties and stated that CCC would seek legal action to challenge the ban.

Chibaya further suggested that the opposition’s choice of yellow ties may have triggered the disapproval of Zanu PF members. He clarified that the yellow ties worn by CCC legislators during the ceremony did not feature any party symbols. He believes that the ban is unjustified and needs to be addressed through legal channels.

Last year, Speaker of the National Assembly Jacob Mudenda had ruled that political regalia should not be worn in the parliamentary chambers. Mudenda emphasized that the chamber is a public institution representing all citizens of Zimbabwe and should not be influenced by specific political affiliations. While political attire is permitted outside the chambers, it is discouraged within the parliamentary setting.

The issue of the yellow ties has sparked a debate regarding personal expression and party identification within the parliamentary context. As CCC legislators prepare to challenge the ban, the outcome remains uncertain, leaving room for potential legal and procedural discussions in the future.

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