Political Drama Unfolds: Top CCC official arrested after being involved in accident


Bulawayo Central legislator, Mr Surrender Kapoikulu, belonging to the Citizens for Coalition Change (CCC), is scheduled to appear in court for a case of negligent driving resulting in a head-on collision with another vehicle in 2021. The incident took place on June 21, 2021, around 7 pm on Burnside Road in Bulawayo.

According to court documents, Kapoikulu was driving his registered Jeep Ranger when he veered into the oncoming traffic lane, leading to a collision with a Toyota Hilux driven by Mr Mayibongwe Ncube. The accident caused injuries to three individuals in Kapoikulu’s vehicle, necessitating their immediate hospitalization. Both vehicles sustained significant damage.

The police investigation confirmed that Kapoikulu was at fault for driving on the wrong side of the road. Consequently, he is now facing charges of negligent driving, which include failing to observe oncoming traffic, speeding, and failing to react appropriately to the imminent accident.

Initially, Kapoikulu was expected to appear in court on September 8, but he failed to attend, resulting in the issuance of a warrant for his arrest. However, the warrant was subsequently cancelled when his lawyer appeared on his behalf in court on Monday. A trial date has now been set for October 23.

It is worth noting that Mr Kapoikulu is already facing additional charges related to defacing political posters and engaging in criminal insults. He is co-accused with five other CCC members, including Gift Ostallos Siziba, the Member of Parliament for Pelandaba-Tshabalala, Simbarashe Dube (Ward 20 councillor), former Ward 20 councillor Ernest Rafamoyo, and party members Lovewell Mwinde and Tendai Masotsha. The group is collectively charged with defacing a political poster.

The complainant in this case is fellow CCC member Ms Soneni Moyo, who had aspired to be a member of the Pelandaba-Tshabalala Constituency, eventually won by Siziba. It is alleged that on August 11, Kapoikulu, Rafamoyo, Masotsha, Siziba, and Dube visited Ms Moyo’s residence in Nkulumane, parked their vehicles at her gate, and proceeded to insult her, accusing her of being a sell-out and a prostitute.

Furthermore, on August 16, during midday hours, the accused individuals went to Pelandaba Business Centre and removed Ms Moyo’s campaign posters affixed to walls and electricity pylons. As a result, Ms Moyo reported the incident to the police, leading to the subsequent arrest of the accused individuals.

The accused have been granted bail and are currently out of custody, with their next court appearance scheduled for September 29.

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