President Mnangagwa rallies Zanu PF to crush politically immature puppets in crucial by-elections

President ED Mnangagwa

PRESIDENT Mnangagwa has called on Zanu-PF to oil its mobilisation machinery ahead of the upcoming by-elections which he said present Zimbabweans with an opportunity to kick-out politically immature puppets who pretend to be opposition political parties.

The country is expected to go for by-elections on 9 December in nine constituencies that fell vacant following the recalling of Citizens Coalition of Change (CCC) constituency Members of Parliament. The party also recalled a number of councillors in various areas across the country, including Bulawayo where there will be both council and parliamentary by elections. November 7 has been set as the date on which the Nomination Court sits. CCC recalled 15 of its party legislators from Parliament, nine elected under first past the post voting, while the other six were elected under the proportional representation system.

Addressing delegates at the just ended Zanu-PF 20th Annual People’s conference, the President who is also the party’s First Secretary, called on party members to scale up mobilisation and ensure that they reclaimed the sits during the by-elections.

“I further call upon all leaders and cadres of the Party, including our affiliates, to scale up mobilisation activities in all constituencies and wards with pending by-elections scheduled to take place in November and December, respectively. These by-elections provide our people another opportunity to democratically kick out the opportunistic, heartless and politically immature puppets of our detractors, who pretend to be opposition political parties.

“SeZanu-PF hatichabvumire vanhu venyika yedu vachitambiswa mahumbwe ne vanhu vasina hany’a nehupenyu hwavo (As Zanu-PF we no longer accept our people to be taken for granted by people who do not care about their livelihoods). Zanu-PF is a people’s party; a party by the people and for the people,” he said.

President Mnangagwa implored the need for unity, peace, love and non-violence before, during and after the by-elections. He noted that the conference had re-affirmed that Zanu-PF, as a revolutionary mass party, and as the ideal home of all the people of Zimbabwe, adding that the party must continue to welcome old and new members with open arms.

“As you go back to your respective stations, take back to the people, the plans and responsive policy interventions we have adopted as outlined in the resolutions of this conference. The ongoing programme driven grassroots mobilisation should remain the cornerstone of our colossal mass party. The party must continue being strong village by village, while also consolidating support in cities and towns. Our people played their part during the liberation struggle. Let us, therefore, solve their needs and keep their development aspirations in mind. In addition, harnessing their comparative advantages to accelerate rural industrialisation is of paramount importance,” said the President.

He noted that the presentations on the socio-economic and political situation in the country were reflective that successes continued to be scored by the Zanu-PF led Government. This demonstrated that the party has a vision for a brighter and more prosperous future for the people of Zimbabwe.

“I call upon each of us to go back to our respective provinces and districts and fully brief our people on the development-oriented resolutions that have come out of this Conference. All of us in the Party, Government and nation have a duty to diligently work harder for the success of our nation and the realisation of Vision 2030.

“Collectively, as descendants of the Great Emperor Munhumutapa, from Zambezi to Limpopo and Plumtree to Mutare, let us continue to build, modernise and industrialise our motherland, Zimbabwe brick by brick and stone upon stone,” said President Mnangagwa.

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