Lula lula fracas as man beds father’s wife

File pic: Chief's court

In African traditional culture, it is taboo for a father and son to “dip” in the same well or sleep with the same woman.

A man from Gokwe seems to have committed abomination of the highest order when he “inherited” his late father’s second wife and started sleeping with her.

Killen Majaji from Majaji Village and his late father’s second wife Plackie Duma left their family and fellow villagers dumbfounded when they stole each other’s hearts and fell head-first in love.

The shocking relationship was exposed by Majaji’s unidentified wife who was angry that her husband was ƨǝxuɑlly starving her as he was now spending several nights at Duma’s house.

B-Metro gathered that the woman, who revealed the incestuous relationship, was Majaji’s second wife after the first one deserted him over the same issue.

“Majaji’s wife, who felt that her mother-in-law had no right to sleep with her son, confronted her leading to a misunderstanding. Incensed that she had been exposed and in a bid to fix her, Duma went to the police and filed a false assault report leading to the arrest of Majaji’s wife.

“Investigations by police officers later established that Duma had lied against Majaji’s wife.

“It was also after some villagers notified the police that Duma acted out of bitterness that Majaji’s wife had confronted her over the incestuous affair,” said a source who declined to be named.

The source said the two’s unacceptable relationship was brought to Chief Nemangwe’s attention. The chief confirmed the incident, saying he had since summoned the two to appear before his traditional court to answer to incest charges.

“I heard about the issue and I have summoned the two – Killen Majaji and Plackie Duma to appear before my court. It is taboo for someone to sleep with his father’s wife and we do not accept that in our culture.

The matter came to my attention after Majaji who is reportedly on the run assaulted his wife for revealing the incestuous relationship,” he said.

Meanwhile, in 2015 another Gokwe man who is also a businessman was caught red-handed having ƨǝx with his 77-year-old mother. Goliath Mapolisa of Mantiya Village, under Chief Njelele in Gokwe, was found by village head Mantiya sleeping with his mother, Mrs Ester Mapolisa.

People suspected that he could have been doing that for ritual purposes to enhance his business.

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