Acting President General (Rtd) Constantino Chiwenga delivers sweet news to Zimbabweans


Government working to boost youth employment, says Acting President Chiwenga

In a rally held at eBusteni in Cowdray Park, Bulawayo, Acting President Constantino Chiwenga addressed Zanu PF supporters, emphasizing the government’s commitment to creating more job opportunities for the youth.

The rally was organized to support Zanu PF candidate Aurther Mujeyi, who is vying for the Cowdray Park seat, and Kidwel Mujuru, contesting for the council ward.

Chiwenga expressed his belief that the recent recalls within the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) party have inadvertently favoured Zanu PF. He stated, “The opposition party has confusions and removed their representatives in Parliament who said they had won in the previous elections which has become a reason to restart our elections.”

The Acting President outlined various initiatives aimed at improving the lives of the constituency’s residents. Among these plans is the implementation of the smart city concept, which includes enhancing healthcare services, road infrastructure, and the construction of additional schools in Cowdray Park. Chiwenga assured the crowd that the government would prioritize job creation for young people and women, offering them assistance through loans from the women’s bank and youth empowerment bank. Additionally, the government aims to provide every house in the area with title deeds.

Chiwenga criticized the Bulawayo City Council for its poor service delivery, prompting the government’s intervention. He noted that road rehabilitation and electricity installation, tasks typically assigned to local councils, were currently being undertaken by the government due to the council’s failures. The Acting President highlighted recent road rehabilitation efforts on 12th Avenues, George Avenue, Masiyephambili, and Nketa Drive, affirming the government’s commitment to continuing such programs regardless of the council’s performance.

Water scarcity in Cowdray Park was another concern addressed by Chiwenga. He pledged to resolve the issue by installing pipes to transport water from the Gwayi-Shangani Dam to the high-density suburb. The government has also been working on alternative solutions, obtaining water from Eppington Forest and utilizing dams in Matabeleland South province to alleviate water shortages in Bulawayo.

As the rally concluded, Chiwenga reassured the attendees that the government would persist in its efforts to enhance the lives of the people in Cowdray Park, emphasizing their commitment to job creation, improved infrastructure, and access to basic amenities such as water and electricity.

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