LATEST: The urgent reasons why every voter should choose Zanu PF candidates in by-elections


The Second Republic has tremendously delivered on its previous and current electoral promises and, therefore, Zimbabweans must go out in numbers to vote for Zanu PF candidates during the by-elections set for Saturday, Vice President Cde Constantino Chiwenga said yesterday.

Zanu PF wanted its people at all tiers of power to ensure that they delivered at full strength, the Vision 2030 inclined projects.

Vice President Chiwenga said already, the Government led by President Mnangagwa, had covered ground in implementing high impact programmes in a short space of time.

These included the US$300 million Beitbridge Border Transformation, dams construction, roads construction, rural transformation, agriculture and irrigation development, urban renewal, devolution and ICT development.

Addressing a political rally attended by thousands of party supporters at Bishopstone Estate in Ward 7 to build support for the Zanu PF candidate for Beitbridge West constituency, Cde Thusani Masitha Ndou, he listed some of the achievements.

They included the construction of a 5,1km dual carriageway linking the port of entry to the major highways to Bulawayo and Harare, the 220 new houses for border workers, the rehabilitation of irrigation projects and building the capacity of crop and livestock farmers to increase production plus the new fire station, new clinics, new schools, and animal plant and quarantine centre built in Beitbridge.

“This by-election gives the Beitbridge West community an opportunity to correct the mistake they made when they voted for a legislator from a Western sponsored opposition party, the CCC,” said Vice President Chiwenga.

“We are now at this stage because of their disorganisation and lack of ideology and hence we need to unite and vote for Zanu PF to ensure we have a full complement of our team to drive development from the grassroots level.

“We are not a party that thrives on theories or folk tales. Our strength is on delivery and you have all seen what we have done in terms of development since the coming in as the Second Republic.”

Zanu PF is a revolutionary party with people at heart and it’s very critical for Zimbabweans to stick to their party through thick and thin.

The party was continuing on the national development trajectory which had been set by President Mnangagwa.

The revolutionary party was now stronger than before and it was important for people to move together with a united, shared vision.

“There are a lot of major projects across the country including in Beitbridge West which the Government has been rolling out and we have made good progress,” he said.

“As a party, we also commend the Beitbridge community for sticking with Zanu PF since the days of the liberation struggle.

“However, we need to maintain our dominance by retaining the Beitbridge West seat on Saturday and for us to do that, I urge you to go out in your numbers and vote for Zanu PF.”

VP Chiwenga, who also donated 10 000 chicks to villagers in Beitbridge West, said the Government was aware of some service delivery concerns in communities, adding that these were already being dealt with.

“Under our leadership, we will continue to bring back people-centred service delivery. Let’s encourage every registered voter to cast their votes for our candidates,” said VP Chiwenga.

“I have brought with me here, a Government rig to drill 10 boreholes in selected wards which have an acute shortage of water for domestic use and livestock.

“The drilling begins immediately and we want to see communities establishing more horticulture projects so that they may improve their income at the household level.”

Tick grease and supplementary stock feeds would be sent to Beitbridge to boost livestock production considering that livestock rearing was one of the major economic anchors.

Several Presidential inputs schemes being rolled out in the country, including the distribution of inputs for small grains, cattle, goats and poultry had started bearing fruit in the district.

Plans were already afoot to address the power supply issues through the Rural Electrification Fund since the country was now generating more power following the addition of Units 7 and 8 at Hwange to the national grid.

“To make sure people benefit from water bodies around them, we are implementing the massive fisheries project at Zhovhe Dam in Beitbridge West where fingerlings are being produced for distribution to thousands of beneficiaries,” said VP Chiwenga.

“In addition, work is already underway to rehabilitate River Ranch, Khwalu, Jalukange, Domboilidenje, Lilombe, Ndambe and Shashe irrigation schemes to address food nutrition security. Some of the projects are now at various stages of resuscitation.

“We value the people’s well being and education and funds have been released by our able Government to increase the number of schools and clinics to cut the distances people are walking to access these facilities.”

Acting Zanu PF chairman for Matabeleland South, Cde Albert Nguluvhe, said they had covered ground in ensuring they wrestled the Beitbridge West seat from the opposition.

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