Ex minister Christopher Mutsvangwa who was fired by President Mnangagwa under fire


Zimbabwe war veterans accuse sacked minister of ignoring grievances

The Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWVA) members have launched a scathing attack against the recently sacked Veterans of Liberation Struggle Affairs minister, Christopher Mutsvangwa, accusing him of obstructing their demands and displaying a haughty attitude towards their grievances.

Speaking at a press conference held in Mutare, David Garwe, the ZNLWVA Manicaland chapter chairperson, expressed his disappointment with Mutsvangwa’s conduct. Flanked by prominent war veterans, including Mike Makiweni, the ZNLWVA national secretary for lands, and Tendai Matasva, the provincial secretary for lands, Garwe highlighted the association’s concerns.

“We would like to put it on record that as war veterans, we do not celebrate nor cherish the demise of a colleague, more so a fellow war veteran but we feel greatly relieved when an obstacle to the realisation of our welfare goals is removed,” Garwe stated firmly.

Garwe emphasized that Mutsvangwa had proven to be an impediment in addressing the challenges faced by war veterans, callously disregarding their pleas. The dismissal of Mutsvangwa by President Emmerson Mnangagwa was met with jubilant celebrations from some of his war veteran colleagues.

“He was an obstacle and was even pompous. We can assure our colleagues that the way has been opened for us to escalate our welfare issues. The Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association vehemently condemns any form of prejudice or discriminatory practice against war veterans,” Garwe added.

In light of Mutsvangwa’s departure from office, Garwe made a heartfelt plea to President Mnangagwa, urging him to appoint a war veterans minister who would genuinely prioritize their needs and concerns.

The war veterans leader further pointed out that their removal from allocated lands and ongoing victimization had intensified. Garwe stressed that such actions violated Section 21, as well as Sections 23 and 84 of the Constitution, which explicitly demand the State and all government institutions to accord war veterans due respect.

The developments surrounding Mutsvangwa’s dismissal have sparked intrigue and concern among the public, raising questions about the treatment of war veterans and their well-being. The Zimbabwean government now faces mounting pressure to address the grievances of these revered individuals who played a pivotal role in the country’s liberation struggle.

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