Businessman’s habit of bedding married women takes a disastrous turn as majuru feast on his pǝnis


A Gweru businessman’s habit of romping with married women took a disastrous turn when he experienced a rare condition where mysterious creatures suspected to be termites attacked his private parts after he allegedly bedded a married woman believed to be “centrally locked or fenced” by her husband with ulunyoka.

After suffering multiple stings, the termites reportedy covered his entire private parts for days. The businessman, in the transport industry (name supplied) then confessed to his wife and family, revealing that the incident began shortly after he had slept with a married woman. His manhood also reportedly kept on disappearing each time he wanted to make love to his wife at home.

Ulunyoka/runyoka is an indigenous way of “fencing” or ‘locking’ a spouse, usually wives, to prevent them from committing adultery. This is done without the knowledge of the victim and such occurrences are not uncommon in Zimbabwe, where individuals sometimes turn to juju to ensure their partners remain faithful. The spell, once cast, ensures that any extra-marital affair becomes a perilous endeavour.

The streets of Gweru were reportedly abuzz with news regarding the businessman’s situation in recent weeks. According to a source, the woman’s husband is reported to have warned the businessman to stay away from his wife saying there would be “deadly” consequences if he continued with the affair.

“He slept with a fenced woman, and he experienced that rare condition when termites attacked his private parts covering his entire private parts for days. The woman whom he had a stint with was denying being fenced by her husband. He tried getting help from traditional healers and prophets in Gweru but none of them managed to assist him of his predicament. Eventually, a colleague recommended Gogo Chihoro, a sangoma in Harare, who was able to assist him,” said a source who requested anonymity.

Gogo Chihoro, nicknamed “Queen of Justice” rose to fame when she delivered what some call “paranormal justice” on behalf of a gold miner from Mberengwa, Midlands Province.

The miner had allegedly lost US$30 000 to armed robbers, and Gogo Chihoro unleashed a swarm of bees to attack them, forcing them to return the stolen money. Buzzing mightily, the swarm reportedly tracked down the suspects and “apprehended” them before stinging them into submission. Defeated and in pain, they marched, surrendered themselves to the victim, and returned the money.

As if that was not enough, she also reportedly unleashed a baboon-like creature on a businessman in Chitungwiza who had defaulted or neglected to pay for the services of a man he had hired to renovate his house.

Gogo Chihoro confirmed the general details of the incident but declined to discuss private details concerning the businessman. She said the businessman slept with a woman whose husband used an anthill (isiduli /churu) to lock her.

“Ulunyoka or runyoka comes in different forms, like using a knife, snake, fish, bees and others. We have people known to perform or sell ulunyoka/runyoka. While many believe it can be reversed, the stigma often silences the afflicted. This silence forces them to endure their suffering alone, leading them to die.

“The problem is that people often stay silent when affected. For instance, those supposedly locked with a knife can potentially be unlocked with the same knife. However, the stigma discourages them from seeking help. Some, especially those believed to be locked using isiduli/churu, might find relief by consuming the woman’s urine. But in this case, the woman refused to co-operate, so I have to resort to herbal remedies to help unlock him,” explained Gogo Chihoro.

She said one as a sangoma should be equipped with various methods to address different forms of ulunyoka/runyoka.

“As a sangoma,” she explained, “you are supposed to have knowledge of different methods to counter various forms of ulunyoka/runyoka. I have helped many men and women who were too embarrassed to apologise and make amends. In some cases, seeking forgiveness and offering compensation can break the curse. Unfortunately, many choose not to, and that can lead to their demise, especially if they consult sangomas who lack the expertise to handle different types of ulunyoka/runyoka.”

Meanwhile, efforts to reach the businessman for comment were unsuccessful, as he is reportedly out of the country on business. Anyone who needs help from Gogo Chihoro can contact her on +263 714204235 +263 781150770. BMetro.

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