Miraculous Intervention: Church puts an end to torment of children by stubborn goblins

File Pic: Goblin

THE torment of three children from Magwegwe North suburb in Bulawayo, allegedly caused by unseen creatures suspected to be goblins, has finally ended after they found help from a local church.

Windows and doors were reportedly opening and closing on their own, lights flickering, sounds of unseen activity and even the disappearance of food while cooking.

Mayinesi Chongwe, the great-grandmother of the children who were reportedly tormented by unseen creatures, revealed that normalcy has returned to her home.

“I’m happy normalcy has finally returned to our house. We live peacefully now and we truly appreciate the help from a local church. Church members came and revealed they believed a spirit was haunting us. We prayed and fasted together. After these intense prayers and fasting, everything seems normal again. I’m delighted the unseen creatures seem to have been sent back from where they came and the property they stole appears to have been recovered,” she said.

Chongwe stated that her great-granddaughter, who experienced a frightening incident on her way to school, will resume her classes.

“We have assessed the situation and I believe that my great granddaughter who was previously tormented by goblins will continue with her studies. I appreciate the media’s help in finding a solution to this crisis. I hope you’ll continue to assist other families facing similar situations,” she said.

Chongwe emphasised that the prayer sessions were instrumental in clearing her name from the witchcraft accusations she previously faced.

“Some neighbours had accused me of practicing witchcraft. I’m happy that my name is slowly being cleared and relationships with some of them are being repaired,” she said.

A family member, who wished to remain anonymous, spoke about the difficult situation the family had been facing in the months leading up to the local church’s intervention.

“It started last November, one morning, our children woke up with their heads shaved. We thought it was a one-time thing. The next day, our youngest child woke up in the middle of the night, screaming. He had been stabbed in the leg with a knife! He also woke up with his head shaved again. We were all terrified and completely clueless about what was happening,” said the family member.

From then on, narrated the family member, the paranormal torment escalated.

“We sought help from different prophets and churches, but the situation only worsened after each attempt. Doors and windows would open inexplicably, our children’s clothes, especially their uniforms, would be torn, and they could no longer attend school.

“We hired a spiritual healer for a cleansing ceremony. The following day, the house mysteriously burned down, but only the bedrooms were affected. Everything in the kitchen and dining room was untouched,” said the family member.

Desperate for a solution, they sent the children to South Africa to stay with their maternal grandmother but the uncanny events followed them there and resumed within three days of their arrival there.

While in South Africa, the family reported that the children were again being beaten and unseen dark forces were causing destruction within their temporary refuge. Food was tampered with, windows were broken, clothes were scattered around and money mysteriously vanished from the house. The children were later brought back to Zimbabwe.

“We tried to protect the children by making them sleep at a neighbour’s house, but the disturbances followed them there too. The children are suffering the most and there is no peace in our lives. Everyone is afraid of us, and we don’t know where to turn. We are pleading for any help we can get,” narrated the family member before the church intervention. BMetro.

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