Residents living in fear as vicious dogs run rampant in Bulawayo suburb

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RESIDENTS of Pumula South suburb in Bulawayo are living in fear of five vicious dogs belonging to a local family which have terrorized the area by biting people.

The residents are now pushing for the seizure of the five dogs which have reportedly turned the suburb into a zone of fear attacking people on several occasions. Some, if not most, houses in the suburb are not gated, which makes the residents vulnerable to potential harm.

“Talking to the owners is not helping and the dogs have attacked us on several occasions. We now spend most of the day in the house, while getting home late at night is now risky. There is a real possibility of being mauled to death,” complained one of the residents.

Another resident Fanyana Mutamba, said his father was bitten while trying to rescue him from the dogs.

“On Monday, around 9pm, I encountered three dogs while walking home from accompanying a friend. They seemed aggressive and ready to attack. One of them, a German Shepherd, charged towards me. I panicked and climbed a nearby precast wall to escape. Hearing the commotion, my father rushed outside. The dogs attacked him before I could warn him. It was horrific and he was left with a horrific scar on his leg and he bled profusely,” said Mutamba.

He said his father is receiving treatment at Mpilo Central Hospital.

“We have been forced to change the way we live and be on constant alert over these violent dogs which are frequently left out to roam by themselves aimlessly and scavenging for food,” fumed another resident.

Stanley Ndlovu, chairman of section C in Pumula South, said they urgently need a solution to deal with the vicious dogs.

“We demand that these dogs should be taken away from our area because they pose a serious threat to our wives and children. In fear of dog attacks, the community is now monitoring their children and barring them from leaving the house. These dogs are curtailing our freedom of movement in the area. We urge the dog owner’s eviction. This family arrived in December and is already causing chaos, disrupting the tranquillity we once enjoyed as a community,” complained Ndlovu.

He added that this incident is not the first, underlining the need for immediate action to address this recurring problem.

“Last year, the dogs attacked their caretaker, mauling him and stripping him naked. This raises serious concerns. If they can attack someone familiar to them, what will they do to residents who are strangers,” queried Ndlovu.

Residents said they have reported the matter to the police and Bulawayo City Council (BCC) but have not received any assistance.

When reached for comment, the owners of the dogs declined to speak and dismissively told the reporter to rely solely on the community’s claims. BMetro.

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