Key Announcement: Ex Minister Cde Chris Mutsvangwa issues statement


ZANU PF will today hold an ordinary session of the Politburo, Secretary for Information and Publicity and party spokesperson, Cde Chris Mutsvangwa has said

In a statement yesterday, the former War Vets Minister, Cde Mutsvangwa said the meeting will be held at Zanu PF Headquarters in Harare.

“The Secretary-General Dr Obert Mpofu wishes to advise all members that there shall be an ordinary session of the Politburo to be held tomorrow Thursday, April 11, 2024 (today) at the home of the people’s revolutionary party Zanu PF Headquarters commencing at 14:00hrs. A Central Committee meeting will be on Saturday April 13, 2024 at 10:00am

“All members should be seated by 13:45hrs and 9:45 am respectively” he said.

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