President ED Mnangagwa promotes 6 ZDF generals and air officers on retirement (SEE NAMES)


COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces, President Mnangagwa, yesterday promoted six Zimbabwe Defence Forces Generals and Air officers on retirement.

The President made the promotions in terms of the Defence Act (chapter 11:02) Section 20, as read with Statutory Instrument 257 of 2020, Section 19c subsection 2c, which reads “His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe and Commander-in-Chief of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces may on the advice of the Minister of Defence, acting on the recommendations of the Commander Zimbabwe Defence Forces, reward any member for distinguished service or gallant conduct on active service by promoting an officer to a higher rank”.

President Mnangagwa acting on the advice of the Minister of Defence, Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri consented to and approved the promotions.

Retired service commanders, Lieutenant-General David Sigauke was promoted to the rank of General with effect from 20 October 2023, while Air Marshal Elson Moyo was promoted to the rank of Air Chief Marshal with effect from 15 March 2024.

Major General Chris Mupande was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant General with effect from 17 September 2023.

Brigadier-Generals, Justin Mujaji, Themba Mlambo, and Tendai Dzirutwe were promoted to the rank of Major General with effect from 17 March 2024.

General Sigauke has since been appointed ambassador-designate to the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Conferring new insignia of rank on the promoted officers, Commander Zimbabwe Defence Forces, General Philip Valerio Sibanda said the promotions were a true testimony of hard work and loyalty to national duty.

“The promotion we are witnessing today is a true testimony of selfless service you have shown to this country which dates back as far as the war of liberation struggle leading to these many years of service in the Zimbabwe Defence Forces,’ he said.

He called on the six to remain exemplary in their retirement adding that the ZDF will not hesitate to call on them if their services are required.

Promotion on retirement of Ex-Combatants, is in the Regulations, in line with the constitution of Zimbabwe, to honour the country’s liberators.

Giving a vote of thanks, Air Chief Marshal Moyo said their services remain available whenever required.

“For all of us who have been promoted, this day will forever be etched in our memories because it marks the pinnacle of achievements in our service in the Zimbabwe Defence Forces. It therefore, goes without saying that, we are filled with a deep sense of accomplishment, gratitude and humility,” he said.

“At the same time, we are cognisant that this honour bestowed on us, comes with new responsibilities and higher expectations. On behalf of all the General Officers promoted today, I want to give you the highest assurance that our loyalty and resolve to serve the Zimbabwe Defence Forces and the nation remains unshaken”.

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