Woman returns home from work and finds her daughter lying on bed, comes closer and notices horror

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OLWETHU Mhlontlo’s body was found with her throat cut and a stab wound on her stomach at her Banzi Village home in Cofimvaba, the Eastern Cape, on Monday, 13 May.

The incident shocked the family and the community.

According to police spokeswoman Captain Namhla Mdleleni, 23-year-old Olwethu’s body was discovered by her mother on her way home from work.

“Her throat was cut open, and she had a stab wound on her stomach.

“A case of murder is investigated by Cofimvaba police. No one has been arrested yet,” she said.

Khula Community Development Project spokesman Petros Majola, speaking on behalf of the family, said Olwethu’s mum arrived home after 4pm from work.

“She noticed her daughter and thought she was asleep as she lay on her bed. When she came close, she noticed the horror. She saw her child’s throat slit and the stab wound on her stomach.

“According to family members, Olwethu was in an abusive relationship. Since the incident, her boyfriend has disappeared,” he said.

Majola said they had asked Social Development, MEC Bukiwe Fanta to send social workers to the family, as it needs counselling.

“It’s painful for any mother to see your child killed like a goat.

“There are efforts made by government to stop gender-based violence. However, cruel men continue committing these heinous crimes,” he said.

Majola said no one in his right state of mind would cut another person’s throat and cut open their stomach.

He said Olwethu was young and had a bright future ahead of her.

She studied at Ikhala TVET College in Lady Frere before taking a gap year this year.

“She was studying to be a farmer. Unfortunately, she’ll never be one as someone took her life.

“What has happened to our country? Why are men killing women and children?” Majola asked. Daily Sun.

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