7 Benefits of Using Video for Training and Onboarding


Are you struggling to find the time and resources to make sure your new hires are properly trained and ready to hit the ground running? Do your current training programs feel outdated and ineffective? If these questions are something you are contemplating about, then it’s time that you change your strategy. But, as any experienced manager knows, there are a lot of challenges that come with it. In order to overcome these challenges, video training and onboarding can be helpful. Here, we will outline the seven main benefits you’ll get from using videos for training and onboarding. So let’s get to it. :

1. Videos are engaging and entertaining.

Videos are a great way to engage employees and make them feel more connected to your company. According to the Harvard Business Review, people remember the ideas they see, not the ideas they read. This means that when you use videos for training or onboarding purposes, your audience will be able to retain more information than if you were simply using written materials.

Videos can also be used for highlighting company culture and values in order to create a sense of belonging among new hires–a critical aspect of employee retention at any organization!

2. Videos are the best way to retain information.

Videos are considered as an effective medium rather than  reading. The human brain absorbs information better when it’s presented in video formats. Videos are more memorable, and easier to relate to. They’re also more engaging, which means that your audience will be more likely to pay attention and remember what they learned.

Videos can be tailored to specific audiences. Because each person learns differently–and has different interests, experiences, skillsets and goals–you should consider customizing your content accordingly if you want them all engaged with what you’re teaching them!

3. Videos are easy to share across platforms and devices.

Sharing your video content with your employees is a critical part of ensuring that they are able to access it easily and effectively. One way to distribute your videos is through email, which allows you to reach your employees directly and ensure that they are receiving the information they need. You can also consider posting your videos on social media platforms like LinkedIn or Twitter, where your employees are likely to be active and engaged.

4. Videos can be tailored to specific audiences or needs.

If you have access to analytics, you can use the information from your videos to determine what topics are popular and which ones aren’t. This will help you tailor future content specifically targeting and benefitting different audience groups. If there are pain points or processes that cause confusion for some members of your team, then videos can be an excellent medium through which these areas can be explained in detail.

5. Videos can be created quickly and cost-effectively, and they scale easily as you grow your team.

Videos are not only a great way to train new employees, but it’s also an effective way to onboard existing staff members who are new to the company. If you’re looking for an efficient way to train everyone in one fell swoop, videos might be your best bet. Using videos for your onboarding process will save you time that would otherwise be spent in a classroom or holding one-on-one meetings with each employee (not to mention the costs associated with paying someone else).

6. Video training sessions can help employees feel more connected with their colleagues, which leads to happier, more productive employees who stick around longer.

When you think about it, this makes sense. You know how much better it feels when you’re doing something with someone else instead of alone? That’s because your brain releases endorphins during social interactions–and those happy chemicals make everything better! So if you’re able to get some face time with your teammates during onboarding or training sessions via video calls (or even just talking on Slack), then everyone wins: You’ll be happier at work and probably more productive too.

7. Video training makes it easier for busy managers to keep tabs on new hires’ progress and performance.

Videos provide a clear picture of exactly what the employee is doing, and how well he or she is doing it. Managers can see how much time new hires are spending on the job, how well they’re learning their jobs, what mistakes they’re making (and when), whether or not they need more training–the list goes on!

Tips to Create Effective Training and Onboarding Videos

When it comes to onboarding and training videos, there are a few key things you can do that will make the difference between an average video and a truly effective one.

  • Prepare your topic and script. Before you even start filming, you should have a clear idea of what your video is about and what you want to get across. This will help guide the direction of your video, as well as make it easier for you to write an engaging script that hits all the right points.
  • Be sure to edit your video using an online video editor. This can help you make sure that your message is clear and easy to follow, and it will also allow you to add any additional features that might help your video stand out from the crowd. For example, if you’re trying to create a training video for new employees, adding subtitles can make it easier for them to follow along even if they don’t understand English as well as other languages.
  • Don’t forget to add music. Music is an excellent way of enhancing your training or onboarding video with meaning, emotion, and energy—all while still keeping your audience’s attention!
  • Ensure that your video is of the right length. A video that is too long can be hard to watch and will lose your audience’s attention. A video that is too short, on the other hand, may not provide them with enough information to learn what they need. When you are creating your video, be sure to consider what it is that you want your audience to learn from the video and how long it should be. You should also consider the best way for them to consume this information. Will they watch it on their own time, or will they need access during work hours?


Videos are a great way to onboard new employees and train them on the ins-and-outs of your business. It’s also an effective way to keep existing employees up-to-date on changes in policy or procedures. Investing in video training can save you money on traditional classroom training expenses and boost employee engagement and productivity.

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