PLEASE HELP: I am dɑting a Christian lady and a Manjuzu. Which one should I mɑrry?

Manjuzu cleansing in Waterfalls

Dear Aunty Lisa,

I hope you are doing well. I am in a dilemma and I seek your advice. I have been dɑting two amazing women – one is a Christian and the other one believes in ancestors and she attends Manjuzu ceremonies. I really l0ve them both and I am confused as to which one to marry.

Can you please help me? I don’t know what to do.

Thank you,



Aunty Lisa responds:

Dear Dhagi,

Thank you for reaching out to me. I understand that you are in a difficult situation, but I would like to remind you that religion is an important factor in a mɑrriɑgǝ. It’s not only about the person you l0ve, but also about your beliefs and values.

It would be best to have a serious conversation with both women about their beliefs and how they see religion fitting into their lives. You should also examine your own beliefs and see if they align with either of them. It’s important to mɑrry someone whose beliefs align with yours to avoid any potential conflicts.

Ultimately, the decision is yours to make. You should choose the person with whom you can see yourself building a happy and fulfilling life. Trust your instincts, and make sure that you listen to your heart and your head.

I wish you all the best with your decision.


Aunty Lisa

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